Visual of the Virgo Line Up of Planets

Virgo Sky

This is what the sky looks like with all the inner planets piled up in the sign of Virgo.  The Sun blinds us to the actual visual, but with my Star Map 3D+ app, we can see what the sky looks like even when the Sun is where the planets are located!

The planet up to the left of the Sun is Mars.

Freedom, Intimacy and Abundance

It seems this week is all about Uranus!  First Venus, then Mars, Sun and Moon trine the planet of Awakening.  So expect the unexpected, be ready for surprises and stay grounded (in your body and conscious).  Uranus tends to bring change in order to free us, not punish us, so be open-minded about what might be happening in your lives right now.  Mercury is added to the stellium in Virgo and we have a New Moon-Super Moon in Virgo later in the week.  The energy of Work, Service and Analytical thinking is in full swing

The Last Week of August

Week 5:  August 26-31      The Virgo Stellium, Uranus & New Moon

It seems this week is all about Uranus!  First Venus, then Mars, Sun and Moon trine the planet of Awakening.  So expect the unexpected, be ready for surprises and stay grounded (in your body and conscious).  Uranus tends to bring change in order to free us, not punish us, so be open-minded about what might be happening in your lives right now.  Mercury is added to the stellium in Virgo and we have a New Moon-Super Moon in Virgo later in the week.  The energy of Work, Service and Analytical thinking is in full swing!

The Human Design energies this week take us into Intimacy, Freedom and Abundance.  That is a recipe for a bit of magic to happen.  With the Sun at Gate 59 we’re focused on intimacy, creativity, and relationships.  We discover that interaction and intimacy form the doorway to evolution.  We cannot evolve and also be alone.  Through our relationships we access the spiral of consciousness.

The Earth is in the Gate 55- Abundance in Spirit.  Here we get a bit of a “spiritual awakening” as we release victimization and embrace freedom, and more FREEDOM. The Gate 55 sits on the emotional center (Solar Plexus) and not on the work center or Sacral.  What we discover is that working harder does not lead to more abundance.  Abundance is grown through our emotional resonance with it.

Later in the week the Sun moves into Gate 40 – Deliverance, which is literally another gate of Freedom!  This gate teaches us freedom for ourselves and from hardship by the correct use of will power.  When used incorrectly, willpower can lead to burnout, which can lead to exhaustion.  Adding to the lesson is the planets Venus and Mars also at this gate as if to emphasize the importance of the right use of Will.

The Earth will be at Gate 37 – Harmony.  This gate is also know by Serenity, Friendship, Peace.  All these can be yours by just understanding how to use your will to be in the flow of Universal energies.  Rather than pushing, wait for the signs and signals from the Universe on what comes next.

MondayMonday, August 26, 2019

We begin the work week with the Moon in Cancer making a host of positive connections to the planets.  Even though we know that Cancer is opposing the Saturn, South Node, Pluto elements in Capricorn responsible for changing our world, we are buoyed by the excellent relationship the Moon has today.  There’s a bit of magic in the air!

Venus trine Uranus – Tired of the same ‘ol, same ‘ol routine?  Today’s your chance to get out and do something new and exciting.  It’s time to break the monotony!  Just be careful that you don’t take things too far.  Socialize, play, expand, do something that you normally wouldn’t do.  Go see a movie that you wouldn’t normally expect you would like to see.   Whatever you do today should feel new and out of the ordinary!

Pleiadian-Earth Energy:  12-Catalyzing.  The Universal energy of 12 is understanding everything more deeply.  Catalyzing energy (Cauac in the Mayan calendar) helps us to use creative opportunities correctly and to avoid reacting to life with drama or disappointment.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Moon in Cancer opposes Pluto early today and we may feel the rush of emotion or Tuesthe tinge of emotional upset.  This is a quick aspect and will soon pass.  Don’t make too much of any emotional confrontation.  Late today, the Moon moves into Leo and our fun returns!

Pleiadian-Earth Energy:  13-Enlightening (Ahau in Mayan calendar).  We have reached the last day of the week in the Pleiadian-Earth calendar, and as well the last day of this calendar round (which consists of 260 days).  The Universal energy of 13 is about completing all unfinished business and integrating what we have learned in preparation for the new week that begins tomorrow.  The Earth energy of Enlightening gives us opportunity for social progress and a way to commit to new ideals.  Watch out for polarized judgments.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

WednesdayThe Moon spends the day in Leo and we can be heart centered, loving, generous and fun-loving!  There may be some unexpected things happening -especially in the outer world – as Mars meets up with Uranus.  With this duo in Earth signs it makes me think of earthquakes or earth-shaking events.  Be prepared, but don’t be scared.  We just never know how these two will get along and what they will bring to us.

Pleiadian-Earth Energy:  1-Being (Imix in Maya) – Today is the first day of the week and the first day of the new calendar round.  The Universal energy 1 is about initiating and starting new things.  The Earth energy of Being is also about nurturing a new beginning and being creative.  Avoid being critical, reactive or needy today.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Today, Mercury moves into Virgo and completes the stellium that has been building since Happy-Thursday-022the 18th when Mars moved into Virgo.  Mercury is the ruler of Virgo and is powerful in this very analytical and critically thinking sign.

Pleiadian-Earth Energy:  2-Breathing (Ik in Maya).  The Universal energy of 2 is about Duality, and challenges us to look at and accept opposite perspectives.  The Earth energy, Breathing, asks us to harmonize multiple points of view.  We should avoid being unpredictable or fickle today.

Friday, August 30, 2019   New Moon/Super Moon in Virgo

Friday pandaEarlier in the year we had our Full Moons as Super Moons, and now is the New Moon’s turn to be super.  A Super Moon is a full or new moon that comes to within 90% of the closest the Moon ever makes to the Earth.  It has more power or influence because of its proximity to us.  The tides are higher, and since we are made up of about 75% water, we are also more pushed by the tidal forces.  This New Moon at 7 Virgo is the closest new moon approach to Earth this year.  The New Moon is also powerful this time as it conjuncts Mars and Venus as well – the masculine and feminine aspects of creative energy.  Later this week I will do a more in depth post on the New Moon and what we can expect.

Pleiadian-Earth Energy:  3-Listening.  The Universal Energy 3 is Creating energy.  It inspires us to create new things or to think in new ways.  The Earth energy of Listening (Akbal in Mayan calendar) shows that we are meant to practice empathy, care and responsibility in our relationships.  Being pessimistic or controlling brings out the more negative aspects of today.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Moon is VOC (void-of-course) for most of the day today.  The VOC begins at 1:46 am Saturday memePT and lasts until 4:08 pm PT when she moves out of Virgo and into Libra.  For the next couple of days we are relationship oriented and have the opportunity to do more to bring balance and harmony into our lives.

Pleiadian-Earth Energy:  4-Planting.  The Universal energy 4 is about building solid foundations that create stability in our home, family or work areas of our lives.  The Earth energy of Planting has a lucky feel to it, is energetic, and good for starting new things.  Sounds sort of like good energy to have in the shadow of the New Moon doesn’t it?

Sunday, September 1, 2019

SundayThe Moon spends all day in the sign of Libra challenging Saturn but flowing smoothly with Jupiter.  That tells me that this is a mixed bag sort of day.  We may begin with a feeling of melancholy that later transitions into optimism and hope.

Mercury trines Uranus today as Venus trines Saturn.  Thoughts, words, deeds seem to align on days like today.  There is good energy flowing between these four planets (Mercury, Uranus, Venus and Saturn).  We may be filled with great ideas that we are able to find an expression for.  In fact, the Moon challenged by Saturn (see above paragraph) could be the stimulus to our being able to express creatively.

Pleiadian-Earth Energy:  5-Moving.  Even our Pleiadian energy seems to show us that we can make some movement in terms of our creative energy today.  The Universal number 5 is change which can bring surprises and revelations that totally didn’t expect!  The Earth energy of moving implies shedding the old skin in order to grow, expand and find our next level of evolution!

Make it a wonderful week everyone – it’s in your hands!

Blessings, Janet 

Weekly Astrology Aug 19-25, 2019

Two more bodies move into Virgo this week – Venus and the Sun.  We’re working to perfect something, and it is all part of the Virgo experience.  While the planets were piled up in Leo we were in very creative energy.  That creative energy must now find an outlet into the “real” world, and Virgo is just the sign to help us make that happen.  Get ready to get to work!

The Stellium Builds

August 19-25, 2019    More Planets Move Into Virgo 

Two more bodies move into Virgo this week – Venus and the Sun.  We’re working to perfect something, and it is all part of the Virgo experience.  While the planets were piled up in Leo we were in very creative energy.  That creative energy must now find an outlet into the “real” world, and Virgo is just the sign to help us make that happen.  Get ready to get to work!

Monday & Tuesday, August 19-20, 2019

We begin the work week with the Moon in Aries.  Today may be a day for new beginnings or building of momentum toward something.  Watch out for aggressive attitudes – either your own or someone else’s.  This is not a good day to pick a fight with anyone! Engage your personal authority and be responsible for yourself – thoughts, words and deeds!

Remember Aries is one of the signs that when the Moon moves through it can trigger our Capricorn trio, Saturn, South Node and Pluto.  There may be more to experience in the break down and regeneration of something in your life.  Be willing to work through it and engage a wider perspective.

Monday – Pleiadian-Earth Energy:  5-Choosing

Universal Number 5 is all about change, unexpected opportunities and surprises.  Be ready for anything today.

Choosing or Eb (in Mayan Calendar) – presents with opportunities for collective healing and nurturing.  There is potential today to settle differences.

Tuesday – Pleiadian-Earth Energy:  6-Exploring

The Universal Number 6 is about the flow of abundance throughout the Universe.  This is a good time for travel and for movement on all levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Exploring (Ben in Mayan Calendar) Earth energy is also good for travel but also harmonizing opposing viewpoints.  Watch out for being overly rigid or hyper-critical today. 


Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Moon moved into Taurus very early this morning after a 20 minute Void-of-course.  That puts the Moon in a trine or positive flow with both the feminine and masculine principles (Venus & Mars).  We may feel more balanced today, and able to act from a place of equilibrium.  Later in the day, the Moon will conjunct Uranus, perhaps giving us a surprise or two.  Not all surprises are negative, maybe something very nice will pop up in your world for you today!

Venus into Virgo – August 21 to September 14.  With Venus in Virgo we value the down to Earth and practical, both in expressions of love and in what we choose to buy.  Venus rules are relationships, values and money and in Virgo we want to be sure that there is a useful reason for everything we do.  Watch out for being picky and overly critical of those around you.

Mercury (in Leo) trine Jupiter (in Sagittarius) – When these two planets meet up in Fire energy there is expansion into the creative, expressive, and spiritual.  Mercury rules the mind and communication, while Jupiter rules expansion and our Spiritual nature.  This combination may bring us good news, optimism and the desire to socialize.

Wednesday – Pleiadian-Earth Energy:  7-Healing

Seven Universal energy is Merging.  This brings a day of opportunity for merging our consciousness with that of other people or other worlds.  The Healing Earth energy (Ix in the Mayan Calendar) gives us the courage to heal imbalances in our lives.  Avoid accepting too many responsibilities or avoiding responsibility today.


Thursday, August 22, 2019

Today is a quiet day astrologically.  The Moon in Taurus is in an easy flow of energy with Saturn, Neptune and Pluto.  Emotions and Mind may struggle a bit throughout the day.  We may be overly emotional in the way we speak to one another, or our thoughts may be of an emotional nature.  This would be a good time to remember not to be impulsive with what you say or do.

Thursday – Pleiadian-Earth Energy:  8- Seeing

The Universal number 8 is Connecting energy.  It brings accelerated communication and abundance on all levels.  The Earth energy of Seeing (Men in Mayan) brings new ideas and the ability for us to see the details.  Be wary of making rash decisions or taking impulsive actions.


Friday, August 23, 2019

The Sun moves into Virgo early today adding a 3rd party to the building stellium in that sign.  The Sun in Virgo is organized, earthy and detail-oriented.  The focus turns to our work environment, the path of sharing our gifts and talents (service) and the routines we are in. We are also more concerned with health and the purity of the foods we eat and the water we drink.  Sun sign Virgo can be analytical and think critically.  We want to be careful about being overly picky, critical of others or being too much of a perfectionist.

Also today, the Moon moves into chatty Gemini.  When the Moon is in Gemini we are more quick-witted, curious and sociable.  We can also become easily scattered and lose focus with the number of ideas and thoughts we have in our heads.

The Moon in Gemini challenges the Sun (Crisis of Consciousness), Venus and Mars in Virgo.  Virgo wants the details, and Gemini prefers to leave them out in favor of flexibility.  Gemini is fickle, and Virgo is stable.  How did the two of these signs get linked by the same planet – Mercury – when they are so different in their approach to the use of the mind and communication.  That’s a great question for another day’s tale!  Just know that today you may feel torn between depth and superficiality.

Friday – Pleiadian Earth Energy:  9-Intuiting

9 Universal energy harmonizes and allows for more peaceful energy in our lives.  The Earth Energy (Cib in Mayan) of Intuiting gives us the ability to recognize what is real and what isn’t and to listen more deeply to our inner knowing.


Saturday, August 24, 2019  

The Moon is in Gemini all day today opposing Jupiter and squaring Neptune.  Today is likely not a great day to make big decisions, but it would be good for just having some fun!

Venus conjunct Mars – The astrological lovers meet today!  Venus and Mars together make the ideal partners for love, romance and socializing with friends.  There is also a raw sensual and sexual energy in the air today that generates magnetism – drawing couples together.  We can also find satisfaction in creative endeavors.  It’s a good time to start a project that brings both the physical and the emotional together.

Saturday’s Pleiadian-Earth Energy:  10-Evolving

The Universal energy of 10 is Manifesting energy.  This is a day for building upon what we have learned and manifesting from our previous work.  It can be a challenging day if we have ignored our work up to this point.  The Earth Energy of Evolving (Caban in Mayan) shows us new possibilities as our boundaries change.  Don’t be disappointed if plans change or fall apart today.  All is well and will be well.

Sunday, August 25, 2019    

We end the weekend with the Moon in Gemini transitioning to Cancer in the early evening.  Likely it’s been a socializing and energizing type of weekend.  Now with the Moon’s move into Cancer, we bring in an emotional element to start the next week with.

Sunday’s Pleiadian-Earth Energy:  11-Self-Regulating

The Universal energy of 11 is Illuminating.  More light is brought in to help us see more clearly.  The Earth energy of Self-Regulating (Etz’Nab in Mayan) helps us to let go of what is no longer working.  This may include making hard choices about what we move forward with.  Rise above the noise and confusion of the mind in favor of being in your heart center.

I hope everyone has a pleasant week!  More next week when Mercury joins the party of planets in Virgo!  Until then …



What’s Up in the Stars for August?

Dates to Watch this Month:

  • August 11 – Jupiter turns Direct
  • August 11 – Mercury into Leo
  • August 11 – Uranus turn retrograde
  • August 15 – Full Moon in Aquarius/Leo
  • August 18 – Mars into Virgo
  • August 21 – Venus into Virgo
  • August 23 – Sun into Virgo
  • August 29 – Mercury into Virgo
  • August 30 – New Moon-Super Moon in Virgo

For all the entries on the list above, August is really a decent month.  We have a stellium of planets in Leo that promote fun, play, creativity and relaxation, and then a stellium in Virgo later in the month that supports our healing, working and sharing our gifts with the world.  After July’s craziness, this is great news!

Let’s break it down by the weeks:

Week 1:  August 1-4    Let the Fun Begin!

CelebrateWe have just entered the New Moon window from 7/31’s new moon in Leo.  Earlier in the week we experienced a potent Sun square Uranus with possible disruptions, upsets and accident-proneness and it continues Friday August 2, when Venus (relationships, values, money) squares Uranus.  Watch out for disruptions with the people in your world – this isn’t a good time to pick a fight.  If anything, this would be great for developing diplomacy and applying love energy to your relationships!  Take care when spending money.  You want to make sure you are getting the stated value for your dollars spent.


Week 2:  August 5-11  – Jupiter Week!

I’m calling this Jupiter week, as almost every day resonates with some type of Jupiter energy.  Remember that Jupiter represents growth, expansion, and the wisdom we gain through our ever-evolving consciousness.

Monday 8-5-19:   The Moon will be in Libra and thus triggers the Capricorn Saturn, South Node and Pluto.  This makes for opportunities to bring balance to what is changing in our lives.  There is also a trine with Moon, Sun and Jupiter which gives us the confidence and emotional depth to be able to stay the course of our development.

Tuesday 8-6-19:  The Moon is in Libra for the first part of the day and then soon transits into Scorpio where it will oppose Uranus in Taurus.  The Moon in Scorpio is deeply passionate and emotionally intense.  As a fixed sign Scorpio doesn’t always embrace change, yet today may be one of those days where change is necessary!  Don’t be afraid to go with the flow.

Wednesday 8-7-19:  Today the Sun meets up with Jupiter for some free flowing, feel good energy!  Whatever you are passionate about, today is the day to spend quality time in the doing of it.  That could mean that play is your passion today or being creative.  Whatever it is, have fun!

Thursday 8-8-19:  Today Venus, Goddess of love, relationships, values and money meets up with Jupiter.  As the Sun did yesterday, this triggers some feel good energy directed this time toward the people in our lives.  Today would be a wonderful day to hang out with loved ones or meet new like-minded people.  Just enjoy the warmth and love that is all around you!  Later this afternoon, the Moon moves out of Scorpio and into Sagittarius, Jupiter’s home territory, which ramps up the opportunities to have a good time.

About the only thing to watch out for today is the Moon’s square (challenge) to Mars in Leo.  The Moon in Scorpio represents depth, and Mars in Leo is engaged in fun and play.  Remember there is a time and a place for everything, so don’t take play over the top and as well, don’t the Moon’s emotions take you over the top.

Friday 8-9-19:  Today the Moon in Sagittarius conjuncts Jupiter and trines Venus.  That makes for a day of optimism and seeing the bright side of everything.  It could be a great day to step back from the “details” and see the bigger picture of your life or what you are trying to accomplish.

Saturday 8-10-19:  The Moon is still in adventure-seeking, mind-expanding Sagittarius today.  Maybe spend the day investigating things you haven’t before or going to new places that seem exciting or new.  There is one small blip on the screen today and that is the Moon square Neptune, which may mean a tendency to daydream or act from the subconscious.  If you’re engaged in anything dangerous or needing full concentration be super careful today!  This can also bring up spiritual awareness during the day as well.

Sunday 8-11-19:  We have reached the single most important or impactful day of the week and indeed, the month of August.  Today the planet Jupiter ends his 4-month retrograde cycle by moving direct in Sagittarius, Mercury moves back into Leo after ending his retrograde cycle on July 31, and Uranus, planet of awakening and surprises, turns retrograde in Taurus. So what can we expect?

Anytime a planet changes directions or changes signs it affects the quality of the energies we express.  When you put 3 of them doing a change on the same day, it adds some chaos to the day.

JupiterJupiter Direct – Jupiter Direct means that we are again able to grow and expand into our outer world.  Here is where we need caution so that we do not over-do anything.  This is an optimistic and expansive time for Jupiter, but you don’t want to realize too late that you cannot sustain anything you have put into motion.  Cautious risk-taking and proportional growth is what is required now.  This is especially true because over the last 4 months of retrograde you may have felt stuck and now with new energy you may go to far too fast.

Mercury into Leo – Mercury in Leo speaks with a flair for the dramatic and with passion.  We can command the attention of those around us and use our minds in very creative ways.  We’ll have to look out for dominating conversations instead of sharing the limelight.  Also, with Mercury in Leo we may over-state or exaggerate what we can do.  Be sure not to promise the world if you cannot deliver it!

Uranus retrograde –   Uranus retrograde starts today at 6° Taurus and ends on January 10, 2020, at 2° Taurus. This is a good time to shift on the inner planes in response to the outer world changes you have been through. Let your inner world be rocked in a way that is revolutionary, evolutionary and consciousness-raising!


Week 3:  August 12-18, 2019    Full Moon in Aquarius This Week!

This week powers us up a bit with a Venus-Sun conjunction, the Full Moon across Aquarius & Leo, Mercury square Uranus and the beginning of the inner planets’ move into Virgo.

So far this month we have had a stellium (a collection of 3 or more planets in the same sign) in Leo, pushing us to play, have more fun, and express our creativity.  Moving into this 3rd week of August we begin to see a shift from the creative imagination in Leo into the actual “bring it to life” energies of Virgo.  Virgo has an eye to the details, and that may be just the thing we need to manifest our dreams into the real world.  Let’s look at some details for this week:

Monday, August 12, 2019

We start the week with the Moon in Capricorn, and I hope you know what that means by now – that’s right a Moon conjunct Saturn, South node and Pluto kind of day.  Time for stabilizing what is changing in your life.  Watch for emotional reactions.  The Moon turns Void-of-course at 3:12 pm PT/6:12 pm ET in preparation for her move into Aquarius tomorrow.

Tuesday August 13, 2019

The Moon moves into Aquarius this morning at 8:36 am PT/11:36 am ET, ending her Void-of-course time.  There is a Moon opposition Mercury today that may provoke us to speak more emotionally or think more emotionally today.  Then later in the day the Moon squares Uranus, and if we have not gotten our emotions controlled, we may be tempted to blurt out our frustrations or feelings.  Be careful of being reactive today!

Venus conjuncts Sun today:  Venus and the Sun meet up today in Leo.  This transit goes a long way in soothing what might be other “tricky” energies of the day.  When Venus and the Sun connect, we feel more affectionate and loving toward the people in our lives.  We’re inspired to be creative and to beautify our environments.  Bask in the glow of love, romance and creativity today!

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Moon spends the entire day in quirky, innovative and inventive Aquarius.  There are no major contacts with other planets, so we can remain open to receiving impulses from our intuition in preparation for tomorrow morning’s Full Moon in Aquarius.  What will you do or be that is uniquely YOU? Dare to think and act “outside of the box.”

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Full Moon @ 22 Aquarius/Leo at 5:30 am PT /8:30 am ET.

Today the Moon holds an opposition to the Sun (the Full Moon), Venus and Mars.  This Aquarius Full Moonfull Moon is really about what you must release in order to move forward with creativity, love and joy.  What must you do to be more heart-centered and in alignment with your desires.

Sun, Venus, and Mars are holding space in Leo (the heart centered part) and with the Full Moon in Aquarius we get to march to the beat of our own unique drum!  If you have been attempting to remain invisible or on the other hand, if you have been calling to much attention to yourself, now is the time to balance and harmonizing the two extremes to be the expression of your true, authentic self.

Another facet of the Full Moon this month is some challenging energy being shared with Pluto, Lord of Transformation.  Pluto could be stirring up issues around power and empowerment for you.  What does it take to become empowered?  Are you taking power away from those around you, or do you see your inherent power and beauty? There could be a bit of a struggle for us to see the truth in this.

Friday, August 16, 2019   

After a short Void-of-course last evening, the Moon moved into the sign of Pisces where she spends the day today.  The Moon in Pisces is a dreamy and imaginative placement.  We may find it difficult to focus on the “real” world as we are busy in the ideal realm.  There is real compassion and empathy in the Moon in Pisces.  Remember to factor that compassion and empathy inward toward yourself as well as to others.

Mercury square Uranus today – When Mercury squares Uranus we may become aware of nervous energy flowing through us or others in our lives.  There’s an electrical current that we can feel between our mind and the communication of our thoughts.  We may be filled with ideas and excitement.  Just don’t let this energy overtake you and get you moving in too many directions at once!

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Moon remains in Pisces all day today making good connections to Saturn, Neptune and Pluto.  We can be totally tuned in to our inner voice today.  It’s a great day to engage a spiritual practice, take a class, do some meditation or yoga, and otherwise focus inward.

Sunday, August 17, 2019

The Moon moves into Aries early in the day (9:33 am PT/12:33 pm ET) and we feel more energetic and willing to get out and do something!  The Aries Moon is ruled by Mars and Mars likes action.  Go for a bike ride, hike, or do some other physical activity today.

Mars into Virgo  – August 18 – October 3, 2019.  The Leo stellium begins to break up today with Mars, the first of the inner planets’, move into Virgo. Mars in Leo gave us access to creative genius, and now in Virgo he becomes more of a workhorse, prodding us to action on our ideas.  Mars is a bit of a perfectionist in Virgo as well and pays attention to the details.  Wherever Virgo is in your natal chart is where you will have to take the “rubber to meet the road” during this cycle.


Week 4:  August 19-25, 2019    Adding Energy to Virgo 

Two more bodies move into Virgo this week – Venus and the Sun.  We’re working to perfect something, and it is all part of the Virgo experience.

Monday & Tuesday, August 19-20, 2019

We begin the work week with the Moon in Aries.  Today may be a day for new beginnings or building of momentum toward something.  Watch out for aggressive attitudes – either your own or someone else’s.  This is not a good day to pick a fight with anyone! Engage your personal authority and be responsible for yourself – thoughts, words and deeds!

Remember Aries is one of the signs that when the Moon moves through it can trigger our Capricorn trio, Saturn, South Node and Pluto.  There may be more to experience in the break down and regeneration of something in your life.  Be willing to work through it and engage a wider perspective.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Moon moved into Taurus very early this morning after a 20 minute Void-of-course.  That puts the Moon in a trine or positive flow with both the feminine and masculine principles (Venus & Mars).  We may feel more balanced today, and able to act from a place of equilibrium.  Later in the day, the Moon will conjunct Uranus, perhaps giving us a surprise or two.  Not all surprises are negative, maybe something very nice will pop up in your world for you today!

Venus into Virgo – August 21 to September 14.  With Venus in Virgo we value the down to Earth and practical, both in expressions of love and in what we choose to buy.  Venus rules are relationships, values and money and in Virgo we want to be sure that there is a useful reason for everything we do.  Watch out for being picky and overly critical of those around you.

Mercury (in Leo) trine Jupiter (in Sagittarius) – When these two planets meet up in Fire energy there is expansion into the creative, expressive, and spiritual.  Mercury rules the mind and communication, while Jupiter rules expansion and our Spiritual nature.  This combination may bring us good news, optimism and the desire to socialize.

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Sun moves into Virgo early today adding a 3rd party to the building stellium in that sign.  The Sun in Virgo is organized, earthy and detail-oriented.  The focus turns to our work environment, the path of sharing our gifts and talents (service) and the routines we are in. We are also more concerned with health and the purity of the foods we eat and the water we drink.  Sun sign Virgo can be analytical and think critically.  We want to be careful about being overly picky, critical of others or perfectionistic.

Also today, the Moon moves into chatty Gemini.  When the Moon is in Gemini we are more quick-witted, curious and sociable.  We can also become easily scattered and lose focus with the number of ideas and thoughts we have in our heads.

The Moon in Gemini challenges the Sun (Crisis of Consciousness), Venus and Mars in Virgo.  Virgo wants the details, and Gemini prefers to leave them out in favor of flexibility.  Gemini is fickle, and Virgo is stable.  How did the two of these signs get linked by the same planet – Mercury – when they are so different in their approach to the use of the mind and communication.  That’s a great question for another day’s tale!  Just know that today you may feel torn between depth and superficiality.

Saturday, August 24, 2019  

The Moon is in Gemini all day today opposing Jupiter and squaring Neptune.  Today is likely not a great day to make big decisions, but it would be good for just having some fun!

Venus conjunct Mars – The astrological lovers meet today!  Venus and Mars together make the ideal partners for love, romance and socializing with friends.  There is also a raw sensual and sexual energy in the air today that generates magnetism – drawing couples together.  We can also find satisfaction in creative endeavors.  It’s a good time to start a project that brings both the physical and the emotional together.

Sunday, August 25, 2019    

We end the weekend with the Moon in Gemini transitioning to Cancer in the early evening.  Likely it’s been a socializing and energizing type of weekend.  Now with the Moon’s move into Cancer, we bring in an emotional element to start the next week with.


Week 5:  August 26-31      The Virgo Stellium, Uranus & New Moon

It seems this week is all about Uranus!  So expect the unexpected, be ready for surprises and stay grounded (in your body and conscious).  Mercury is added to the stellium in Virgo and we have a New Moon-Super Moon in Virgo later in the week.

Monday, August 26, 2019

We begin the work week with the Moon in Cancer making a host of positive connections to the planets.  Even though we know that Cancer is opposing the Saturn, South Node, Pluto elements in Capricorn responsible for changing our world, we are buoyed by the excellent relationship the Moon has today.  There’s a bit of magic in the air!

Venus trine Uranus – Tired of the same ‘ol, same ‘ol routine?  Today’s your chance to get out and do something new and exciting.  It’s time to break the monotony!  Just be careful that you don’t take things too far.  Socialize, play, expand, do something that you normally wouldn’t do.  Go see a movie that you wouldn’t normally expect you would like to see.   Whatever you do today should feel new and out of the ordinary!

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Moon in Cancer opposes Pluto early today and we may feel the rush of emotion or the tinge of emotional upset.  This is a quick aspect and will soon pass.  Don’t make too much of any emotional confrontation.  Late today, the Moon moves into Leo and our fun returns!

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Moon spends the day in Leo and we can be heart centered, loving, generous and fun-loving!  There may be some unexpected things happening -especially in the outer world – as Mars meets up with Uranus.  With this duo in Earth signs it makes me think of earthquakes or earth-shaking events.  Be prepared, but don’t be scared.  We just never know how these two will get along and what they will bring to us.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Today, Mercury moves into Virgo and completes the stellium that has been building since the 18th when Mars moved into Virgo.  Mercury is the ruler of Virgo and is powerful in this very analytical and critically thinking sign. 

Friday, August 30, 2019   New Moon/Super Moon in Virgo

Earlier in the year we had our Full Moons as Super Moons, and now is the New Moon’s turn to be super.  A super Moon is a full or new moon that comes to within 90% of the closest the Moon ever makes to the Earth.  It has more power or influence because of its proximity to us.  The tides are higher, and since we are made up of about 75% water, we are also more pushed by the tidal forces.




Astrology to End July

Can you believe that July is almost over?  The Summer (or Winter if you’re down under) is just flying by!  And, lucky for us we are ending July and beginning August on a wonderful high note – a New Moon and Mercury ending his feisty retrograde.  Yippee!!

Monday, July 29, 2019

Monday memeWe begin the work week with the Moon having come out of Gemini and into Cancer early in the morning.  That means for the next few days we are dealing with our emotional natures and feeling things deeply.  Also, because Cancer as a sign is opposing Capricorn, we are also going to be dealing with the South Node, Saturn and Pluto (today & tomorrow) with the accompanying power struggles, destruction/reconstruction of something in our lives and melancholy moments.  We should be used to this by now as we repeatedly experience the emotional ups and downs of this transit each month when the Moon goes through Cancer, but also as we had Venus, Mercury and the Sun there over the last few weeks.

Today also brings us Sun square Uranus, which can be disruptive.  We may experience sudden mechanical issues, upsets/arguments with people, and possible ego clashes. The best way through this energy is to intentional find positive ways to let go of any “steam” you have been building up and thus mute the possible “explosion” of energy outward to others.  We can also be a little more accident prone during this transit.  Take care and stay in consciousness today!

From a Human Design perspective, we are still in the Sun@Gate 31 – Leadership and the Earth@Gate 41-Fantasy. During this time, we may be invited to step up and take on a leadership role.  But only if invited … this is democratic leadership, not authoritarian.  Any power grabbing behavior would not be appreciated.  Also, with Earth at Gate 41, using our imagination to create a better world is favored.  Later we will be asked to actually enact this in the outer world.

Pleiadian-Earth Energy: Remember that the number is the Universal Energy and the word represents the Earth Energy of the day.

10 – Illuminating  – The universal energy of 10 is to manifest and build upon that which we have already begun.  It can be challenging for us if we have been ignoring our work up to this point.  With the Earth in Illuminating, we are approaching the day with lightness or humor and avoiding the trauma/dramas where possible.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Today the Moon in Cancer opposes Saturn, South Node and Pluto.  This is the 2nd day ofTues possible emotional volatility this week.  Stay cool and allow emotions to “inform” you about what is happening without directly reacting to whatever is happening.  Late in the day, the Moon will conjunct Mercury on his last day of retrograde.  Maybe a memory of something in the past or words spoken in the past may come up to you today.  Don’t dwell on the past, again, just let it inform you.  The Moon is also trine Neptune today and that can make for some difficulty in concentrating or focusing our minds.  It is an excellent day for tapping into your intuition.  The Moon

Human Design Venus moves into Gate 31 today.  Venus represents our relationships and in Gate 31 – Leadership, we are ready to share and delegate power and leadership.  The real question is to ask yourself, “How can I serve?” Whether that is in a leadership capacity or not, the question is a good one to ask of yourself.

The moon turns void of course at 8:33 PM Pacific Time this evening an remains VOC until tomorrow morning at 6:18 AM Pacific Time.

Pleiadian-Earth Energy today:  11-Choosing

11 is Illuminating in the Universal energy of the day.  Today brings light to help us see more clearly what is happening around us.

Choosing is the Earth Energy of the day.  Today is a great day to be able to experience collective healing and nurturing.  Settle differences today, but avoid being selfish and trying to get your own way.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019  

Hump DayWe’ve reached the high point of the week with both the second new Moon of July, this time in Leo and Mercury turning direct in Cancer happening almost simultaneously this evening. Let’s break down the day:

The Moon ends its void this morning at 6:18 AM PT/9:18 AM ET by moving into the sign of Leo in preparation for the new Moon phase. The Moon will conjunct Venus and square Uranus before its conjunction to the Sun today.

The Moon conjunct Venus in Leo is a cheerful and social connection.  We feel good and that translates outward from us to the people we are around. It’s a great time for decorating and shopping for things that beautify our lives.  Just watch the tendency to over-spend!

The Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus – We must be careful with this transit as it gives us an impulsive nature, and we may be on the more reactive side of anything that is said to us today.  We can be triggered easily, so now is a good time to exercise your breath before you say or do anything.

The New Moon

The new moon occurs at 8:12 PM PT/11:12 PM ET at 8 degrees Leo. What can we expect New Moonwith the new moon in Leo?  The new moon in Leo represents romance, love, and bringing joy to our lives. Leo as a sign also rules self-confidence and being recognized for our brilliance and our genius. This is a time of year for playfulness and enjoying life, and with no major aspects this month to annoy us, we are in for smooth sailing.

Things to do with this new moon:

  • express your creative genius and live your passions
  • celebrate play have fun
  • be generous with yourself, your time with those you love, and with your other resources.

Things not to do:

  • Do not be a shrinking violet – get out into the world.
  • Do not cross the line from self-centered to narcissistic or to selfishness and
  • Don’t shirk your leadership roles. Step up if you’re called upon to serve.

All in all, this is a wonderful New Moon and sets the stage for quite the pleasant month of August!

Mercury Direct

Mercury turns direct ending its 3-week retrograde phase at 8:52 PM Pacific Time. Together with the new moon this is now our green light to move forward and begin something new in earnest. One word of caution – Mercury will be crossing forward through territory he was already in … this is called the shadow period of the retrograde cycle.  You may have to finish up with some old business before you can move fully into the new.  By August 14th, Mercury will be in territory, officially ending this retrograde cycle.

Human design for this week: The new Human Design week begins today as well, with the Sun moving into Gate 33-Mindfulness & Remembering, and the Earth moving into Gate 19 – Sensitivity & Inclusion.  We are being reminded this week that the story of humanity is so much bigger than our singular perspectives are.  We are being asked to raise our consciousness to the level of Unity and begin to create the framework to experience that in our outer world.  By tuning into the inner dynamic and giving ourselves time to meditate, we can see the possibility for a new role for us in the grand tale of Humanity!

Pleiadian-Earth Energy:        12 – Exploring

The Universal Day 12 is Understanding.  We are helped to know and understand our world at a deeper level and to see our role in the grand play more clearly.

The Earth Energy – Exploring – is good day for travel and harmonizing different point of view.  Watch out for being overly critical or too rigid and set in your ways.

More on the upcoming month of August later this week!  For now, have a wonderful start to your week and prepare to have fun, to play and have a wonderful break from the crazy transits we had in July!


Janet Hickox – Living Astrology


Weekly Dimensional Astrology

The Week of July 8-14, 2019

While this week doesn’t include an eclipse or a planetary sign change, we still have plenty of action taking place in the heavens above – Mercury and Mars come together, the Sun in Cancer opposes Saturn, the South Node and Pluto, and the Moon beginning the week in Libra, challenges the Cancer and Capricorn planets. Okay, so it’s going to be an energetic week!

Let’s break it down:

Monday, July 8, 2019

MondayToday is a great day to express yourself creatively and with your special uniqueness as Venus, in a sextile to Uranus, stimulates our need for beauty and excitement. 

Mercury Rx and Mars also meet up today in Leo and where there is unexpressed frustration, we might see verbal battles erupt.  The best way to work through this is to recognize that your frustration is your own and isn’t meant to be “vomited” outward onto others.  We all know that everyone isn’t in the “know” like we are so it is possible to be on the receiving end of someone else’s frustration. 

The extraordinary potential of this though, is that we can finally voice to ourselves what we have dared not say!  For instance, “I’m tired of this job and I’m going to finally do what I want to do.” or “I’m going to start treating myself better and follow my heart’s desires.”  So many ways in which we can wake up now to what is “right” for us.  We will have another chance later this Summer when Mars and Mercury meet up again in Virgo. 

The Moon in Libra is also in a good relationship with Mars and Mercury, so there really is a high side to all this verbal energy – whether it is clearing the air or stating something profound.  Just make sure that you are being responsible with your words. 

Pleiadian-Earth Energy today:  2-Devoting    Accepting two opposite perspectives within a community, family or nation without getting stuck in inappropriate loyalties.  

Human Design Astrology:  The Sun moves into Gate 53-Starting Things while the Earth moves into Gate 54-Ambition.  Both of these gates are on the Root center, which is the center for Stress, Endurance, and Impulse energy.  The impulse energy for the week is about new beginnings and how they are connected to a goal, desire or ambition.   

If you really want to dig deeper, then look at the Gene Keys 53 and 54, where Superabundance & Ascension are the highest states of these two gates. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2019     

Another energetic day is on tap as the Sun opposes Saturn today (from Cancer to TuesdayCapricorn) while the Moon in Libra challenges the Sun, Saturn and Pluto.  

We are familiar with the Sun square Moon as this is our “Crisis of Action.”  Having come through the new moon window last week, we are now faced with a potential block to our new beginning.  We have to consciously choose what path to follow next. 

With the Sun opposing Saturn, we are asked to stand in our authority and live from our true authenticity.  We can also experience low energy as the weight of duty and responsibility may just feel burdensome to us right now.  Don’t worry as this soon will pass.  Maybe take a break today and so something fun or something that doesn’t require a lot of energy.  

Pleiadian-Earth Energy:  3-Illuminating.  Today we are inspired to create new things or to think in new ways.  This is also a day to shine a light into the dark spaces.  Maybe what heaviness we feel from the Sun-Saturn opposition is really about how we are aligned to the light or not?  

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Hump DayWhile we slept, the Moon moved out of Libra and into Scorpio and the Sun moved into a trine with Neptune.  We are experiencing a bump up in the spiritual, psychic and intuitive energies today.  Don’t be surprised if you were having weird dreams, or if you feel suddenly tapped into Universal Consciousness.  Follow your inner knowing today.  

Pleiadian-Earth Energy:  4-Choosing.  Focus on the foundations in your world today.  Build or rebuild in ways that are sustainable and strengthen.  The energy today is also good for healing, nurturing and settling differences.  

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Today could be an interesting day as Mars (planet of conflict and confrontation) squaresThankful Thursday (or challenges) Uranus, planet of surprises, shocks and awakening.  Adding to that is the Moon in Scorpio, a sign ruled by both Mars and Pluto, and what you get is the potential for erratic behavior and rebelliousness.  Best to channel your energy in ways that are positive and uplifting, rather than to give into the urges of craziness and then have to face the piper tomorrow.  Exercise or physical activity is a great way to let off some steam.  Just be careful that you don’t overdo anything. 

This could also be a highly creative day.  Harness the energy to bust through any places where you have been stuck.  But watch for destructiveness vs. constructiveness. 

The potential also exists today for escalations in the world outside of us.  Expect rebellion and revolution – in both it’s negative and potentially positive expressions.  Grandstanding, narcissism, arrogance and lack of humility could also exacerbate tensions already apparent in the world around us. 

Pleiadian-Earth Energy:  5-Exploring.  Today is a day for surprises and unexpected things to occur that give us opportunities to change old patterns.  This is a great day for exploring, but watch for being rigid or too critical.  

Human Design Today:  Venus, planet of our relationships, values and finances moves into the Gate 39-Provocation.  Provocation serves a purpose – to wake us up!  Unfortunately we sometimes perceive these energies as an assault or affront to our personal lives.  Provocation is meant to move us from a “stuck” position to one of Freedom, as evidenced in the opposing Gate 55- which resonates to Freedom in the Gift and the Siddhic states. 

Friday, July 12, 2019 

FridayWe move into the end of the week with the Moon moving into Sagittarius, where adventure, exploration and seeking knowledge is important to us.  Today there is smooth energy between the Moon and Mercury and Mars.  Today comes as a relief to some of the more chaotic days earlier in the week.  

Pleiadian-Earth Energy:  6-Healing.  Today is a great day for adventure and movement on all levels.  Engage in healing efforts – maybe traveling to the beach or other outdoor area to refresh yourself.  Watch for accepting too many responsibilities OR avoiding responsibilities.  

Saturday, July 13, 2019

The Moon in Sagittarius conjuncts Jupiter today making it a feel great kind of day!  AboutSaturday meme the only thing we have to be aware of is not overdoing anything.  Too much of anything is not a good thing, so keep everything proportional and sustainable.  The Moon is also square Neptune today triggering some “fogginess” in our thinking and calculating.  Consequently, this is not the best day to make big decisions.  So instead, have fun, play and save big decisions for another day!  

Pleiadian-Earth Energy:  7-Seeing.  While today is not a good day to make decisions, our creative energies are working well!  New ideas abound today.  Just don’t try to take action on all of your ideas!  

Human Design Today:  The Sun moves into the Gate 62- Planning and the Earth into Gate 61-The Mystery.  The week ahead is one to be greeted with a Spirit of awe and wonder rather than anxiety and obsession with planning and details.  Enjoy the ride!

Sunday, July 14, 2019 

The Sun in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn today creating the potential for power struggles born of jealousy and manipulation in yourself or in others.  Recognize these shadow energies within yourself before taking action in ways that are harmful.  Use the Sun’s fire energy to transmute the shadow and leave you empowered.  Not everyone in the outer world is so inclined to use these energies for the good however, so we may see expressions of the negative.  Instead of empowerment, we may see ways in which disempowerment and dominance play out. 

Interestingly this is a prelude to the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on Tuesday where the Moon will be in conjunction to Pluto.  Emotions will be high, and reactive tendencies hold sway rather than common sense.  Try to stay above the fray and not get too serious about world events. 

Pleiadian-Earth Energy:  8-Intuiting.  Connecting, communication and abundance are ours.  All we have to do is to tap into and recognize when it is right in front of us.  Reacting to the outer world is one of the shadows of the day.

Human Design today:  Mars moves into the Gate 33-Storyteller.  While Mars represents action and forward movement in Astrology, in Human Design it more represents our maturing process.  Maturing is related to our remembering the truth of who we are in this incarnation.  According to Richard Rudd in the Gene Keys, “There is no situation on Earth that cannot be used as a means to raise your frequency and open your heart to your inner Divinity.”  We are being moved to tell a new story, and it’s one of our remembering our truth and creating continued disinformation.  

So, while this isn’t necessarily a difficult week, there are some difficult transits, likely designed to prepare us for next week’s Lunar Eclipse.  Let go of what doesn’t serve you – the stories, the old emotions, grudges etc., and next week will be easy breezy!  


Janet HIckox

Mars into Leo – Prepare to Live Your Passions


A Week of Change & High Energy

July will be one of the busiest months of year because it is eclipse season, and the eclipse are occurring across the axis of Cancer/Capricorn where there is already a lot of planets for the eclipses to trigger.  Add to that a Mercury retrograde from Leo back to Cancer, and you can just about envision some chaotic moments ahead for us. 

What’s Up in the Stars This Week?

Astrology, Human Design & Pleaidian-Earth Energy

July 1-7, 2019


Overview of the Week:

July will be one of the busiest months of year because it is eclipse season, and the eclipses are occurring across the axis of Cancer/Capricorn where there is already a lot of planets for the eclipses to trigger.  Add to that a Mercury retrograde from Leo back to Cancer, and you can just about envision some chaotic moments ahead for us.

Let’s take a look at the week ahead:

 Monday, July 1, 2019

LeoThe Moon begins the week in Gemini, and then shifts into Cancer for the New Moon.  Directly after the New Moon, the Moon will move opposite the planets in Capricorn, and we’ll be again dealing with the emotional energy around what is restructuring, reforming, and rebirthing in our lives.  Midweek to Friday July 5, the Moon will be in Leo, making our Independence Day celebrations here in the USA fun and playful.  The first weekend of the month, the Moon spends time in Virgo.  Great days to clean, clear, organize and purify your home and environment.

We start the month and 1st week off with Mars, planet of action, moving into the sign of Leo.  Until August 18, we are confident, strong-willed, and graced with physical stamina to get what we want and where we want to go.  Where this transit is playing out in your chart is where you will see progress pushed by will.

Gate 56 will be activated in your Human Design and that moves us to create a new story without the victim content!

Jupiter moves back into Gate 5- Universal Timing.  Our expansion then returns to learning to have patience, and to understand that the Divine works in its own timeline.  Watch out then for impatience, reactionary energy, and leaping into or out of things.

Pleiadian-Earth Energy:  8-Listening

Universal Energy 8:  Connecting – brings us accelerated communication and abundance on all levels. (from the Pleiadian-Earth Energy Calendar by Pia Orleane and Cullen Baird Smith)

Earth Energy – Listening (Akbal in Maya Astrology):  Practice empathy, care and responsibility.  Release pessimism, being controlling or feeling troubled.


Tuesday, July 2 is the New Moon Solar Eclipse at 10° Cancer.  Where that is in your chart

astronomy circle dark eclipse
Photo by Drew Rae on

is where you have “jacked up” manifesting and intention setting power this month.  Keep in mind that this also widely opposes the South Node, Saturn, Pluto conjunction in Capricorn.  There is high potential for restructuring your world around kinder, gentler, and more family oriented values.

The Sun will be at Gate 39-Provocation and the Earth at Gate 38-Struggle at this new moon.  We will want to address where we feel trapped or where anger is bubbling up to the surface in our lives.  We don’t want to do this in order to beat ourselves up over it, but rather to discover where we may take dynamic action and rise to the level of liberation and becoming a Warrior of Light.

Pleiadian-Earth Energy:  9-Planting

Universal Energy 9 Harmonizing – This is a day for bringing more harmony into your life.

Earth Energy – Planting (Kan in Mayan Astrology):  Feeling lucky, energetic, good for new beginnings.  Watch out for immaturity and being irresponsible. (from the Pleiadian-Earth Energy Calendar by Pia Orleane and Cullen Baird Smith)


Hump DayWednesday, July 3 Venus moves into Cancer and takes on a more nurturing and protective stance, especially in relationships.  This is mothering energy and we will need to watch for out for a tendency to smother those we love.  (or being smothered by others) until July 27th when Venus moves into Leo.  That means that Venus will be opposing the South Node, Saturn and Pluto trio in Capricorn during these weeks as well.  Don’t be surprised if relationships are undergoing change either through your own or the other person’s empowerment.

Venus will be sitting at the Gate 15- Love of Humanity this week, prompting us to resonate more with unity than with separation, although the outer world may still be showing us division and polarity.

Pleiadian-Earth Energy:  10-Moving

Universal Energy 10-Manifesting:  Day for building upon what we have learned and manifesting from our previous work.  It can be a challenging day if we have ignored our work up to this point.

Earth Energy – Moving (Chicchan in Mayan Astrology):    Good for exploring and educating yourself.  Avoid confrontations, blame and competition.  (from the Pleiadian-Earth Energy Calendar by Pia Orleane and Cullen Baird Smith)


Thursday, July 4  – The Moon in Leo today conjuncts Mercury – perfect for the

low angle photo of fireworks
Photo by on

celebratory 4th of July parties and BBQ’s here in the USA to celebrate Independence Day!  The Moon in Leo is playful and loves interaction, add Mercury in the mix and you have the possibility of many conversations and communication streams available to you.

We also enter into a long Void-of-Course Moon today from 11:25 pm PT to 9:26 pm PT on July 5.  (July 5 2:25 am to 12:26 am on July 6 for you in ET)

Pleiadian-Earth Energy:  11 – Transcending  

Universal Energy 11 – Illuminating:  Brings light to help us see more clearly.

Earth Energy – Transcending (Cimi in Mayan Astrology):  A day to transcend differences, let go of what no longer serves.  Watch out for inappropriate hesitation.


Friday pandaJuly 5 – We’re in VOC (Void of Course Moon) all day. Not a great day to attempt to get anything of real import done.  Relax, enjoy, swim, play, or meditate.  Leave the big stuff for another day!

Pleiadian-Earth Energy:  12 – Remembering

Universal Energy 12 – Understanding:  Helps us to understand everything more deeply.

Earth Energy – Remembering (Manik in Mayan Astrology):  Seek peace and engage in cooperation, but don’t become overly compromising.  (from the Pleiadian-Earth Energy Calendar by Pia Orleane and Cullen Baird Smith)


Saturday memeJuly 6 – The Moon is in Virgo today making it a great day to organize, clean, simplify and beautify.  She is also in great relationships to Venus, Uranus and the Sun today.

Pleiadian-Earth Energy:  13-Loving

Universal Energy 13 – Completion:  A time for completing all unfinished business and integrating it so that we can begin a new cycle tomorrow.

Earth Energy – Loving (Lamat in Mayan Astrology):  Be enthusiastic and productive without becoming competitive or aggressive.  (from the Pleiadian-Earth Energy Calendar by Pia Orleane and Cullen Baird Smith)


July 7 – Mercury Retrograde in Leo.  From now until July 31, Mercury will be retrograde Sundayin Leo eventually backtracking into Cancer.  Where this is in your astrology chart is where you may find yourself going backwards, having to slow down, or have to re-evaluate what you are doing.  Leo rules our identity and ego selves, while Cancer rules our family, traditions and foundation.

It’s interesting to note that in this Mercury retrograde the two signs involved are ruled by our two luminaries – The Sun and The Moon.  We are connecting deeply to both our souls and our egos during this Mercury cycle.  What will you discover there in terms of your desires, your Soul’s mission and your life journey?

The Moon spends the day in Virgo and is Void of Course from 9:50 am PDT to 11:07 pm PDT when it moves into Libra.  That leaves the bulk of the day without new Moon connections which spells the potential for a peaceful day.  Spend some time in meditation, study, yoga or other spiritual  or inner pursuits.

Pleiadian-Earth Energy:  1-Feeling

Universal Energy 1-Initiating:  Good day for starting new things – at least on paper or in idea form.

Earth Energy – Feeling (Muluc in Mayan Astrology) – We have a chance to deal with our emotions today.  Watch out for emotional reactivity though. (from the Pleiadian-Earth Energy Calendar by Pia Orleane and Cullen Baird Smith)

That’s it for this week.  I hope you all have a blessed week!

Janet Hickox –





Wormholes & Miracles – The High Potential of This Week’s New Moon

The power of the week we are in where “wormholes” connect us to powerful places, information, people and opportunities.  As if by magic and miracles we find ourselves in the exact right place at the exact right time.  It’s rather exciting, but more than that it is a hint at our true potential when we are aligned with Universal timing energies.

Astrology Transits for June 3-9, 2019

Welcome to the first week in June!  Can you believe it?  Time is certainly flying by, and I hope you are making the most of it.

Speaking of making the most of it – Yesterday I was driving with my husband down to Coupeville, WA, a quaint town with some shops, great restaurants and a boardwalk.  As we were driving, I got this feeling inside of wanting to break out and break free.  I wanted to spend my days exploring, adventuring, hiking, playing and I didn’t want to just stay in my safe little placed anymore tucked away from everything.  It almost felt like a “Call of the Wild,” a wanting or hunger to escape the dull and the routine.  What I didn’t know, is that I had tapped into the energy of the first week of June!

If you are a follower of my weekday morning show on Facebook, The MetaCafe, then you have heard me talk about several types of astrology:  Western Astrology, Human Design Astrology, the Gene Keys, Mayan Astrology, and recently we’ve been talking about Pleiadian-Earth Energy Astrology and the Pleiadian-Earth Energy Calendar that goes with it.  Unbeknownst to my “conscious” mind, yesterday was 4-Exploring.  The 4 represents the Universal Energy of the day, which is foundational, supporting our building of firm roots to bring stability to our lives, and then the Earth Energy of the day was Exploring. Exploring is about seeing the world, travel and harmonizing opposite points of view.  Interesting that even though I consciously didn’t connect with the day’s energy, on the Spirit level I was totally in synch with it!

Such is the power of the week we are in where “wormholes” connect us to powerful places, information, people and opportunities.  As if by magic and miracles we find ourselves in the exact right place at the exact right time.  It’s rather exciting, but more than that it is a hint at our true potential when we are aligned with timing energies that are NOT our Gregorian calendar or other “mechanical” ways of being or knowing.  Let’s break down the week ahead:

Monday, June 3, 2019

Copy of UntitledWe begin the week with the New Moon in Gemini at 3:03 am PT/6:03 am ET/10:03 am UTC.  Gemini influences many things: Motion, Learning, Communication, the Mind, Social skills, Nervousness, Indecision.  In the body, Gemini influences:  Hands, Wrists, Arms, Shoulders, Hay Fever, Lungs & Breathing, Nervous System.  As a new Moon is about starting something new, or setting intentions for whatever it is you want next, any of the above are areas where you can find alignment with the Gemini new Moon. Where do you want to go?  Who do you want to be?  What is your message to the world?  The magic in the new Moon, is the ability to see or sense a pathway forward to live your most wonderful life!

Later in the day the new Moon opposes Jupiter and as long as it is our own idea, we feel generous and giving toward others.  However, if we feel like we’re being pushed into generosity, an emotional response could occur for us.  This is a great day to do some inner spiritual work around goals and aspirations – aligning yourself more powerfully with your intentions and what you want to manifest in your life!

Pleiadian-Earth Energy Day:  6-Seeing.  Six is the Universal energy of FLOW with movement happening on all levels (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, dimensional).

The Earth energy of the day is SEEING.  We are in tune with new ideas with amazing potential action on our ideas as well.  This is a day to pay attention to the details, and avoid rash decisions or “knee-jerk” actions/reactions.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Today is a quiet day with the Moon transitioning early in the day from Gemini into TuesdayCancer.  Our emotions take center-stage for the next couple of days.  We see through an emotional filter, and respond through that filter as well.

The Moon conjuncts Mercury today, and we are able to put feelings into words.  This can be very helpful energy if you have something you need to communicate with someone that is of an emotional nature.  The real wormhole or miracle in this connection today, is that we are ready to take responsibility for and own our emotions.  We can learn how to use emotional energy to inform us of what is going on inside rather than blurp it outward onto other people.  Communicating in the light rather than from the shadow.

This afternoon Mercury moves into Cancer for the next few weeks and all our communication and even our minds are in feeling mode.

Pleiadian-Earth Energy Day:  7-Intuiting. 

Universal Energy 7 is Merging.  The opportunity today is to be able to merge our consciousness with that of others.  We can tap into what they’re feeling, what they really are communicating with us, and see the truth of who they are.

Earth Energy:  Intuiting.  Today is about our innate ability to recognize what is real and what is not. Watch out for reacting emotionally (overreacting) to what is going on around you today.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Hump DayThe Moon is in Cancer all day today and conjuncts Mars, flows nicely with Neptune and opposes Saturn.  To me this spells mixed bag kind of day.  The potentials exists for conflict and confrontation, emotionally connecting with Spirit, and also some feelings of melancholy and depression.

Moon conjunct Mars:  You may find it difficult today to contain anger.  Low energy expression – you lash out or start a confrontation with someone (or vice-versa) or high expression is you recognize the anger, process it and release it without conflict.

Moon trine Neptune:  You may feel dreamy and imaginative today.  But this transit also helps keep the emotional tone down as it stimulates our empathy and compassion.

Moon opposing Saturn:  We may briefly feel alone and isolated or cold and unfeeling.  This is a transit of melancholy and at times, depressive moods.  However, this is brief.  The beautiful part of this time, is that when we come out at the other end, we feel a stronger connection to one another.

The wormhole and miracle for today is our recognition that emotional energy is transitory and overreacting to it in the moment is painful, while allowing it to flow through us is a pathway to inner peace.

Pleiadian-Earth Energy:  8-Evolving

Universal Energy 8:  Connecting for communication and abundance on all levels.

Earth Energy Evolving:  New possibilities emerge as we take care of our own evolution.  Watch out for disappointment if plans fall apart today. Disappointment is an emotion that will soon pass as other opportunities show up.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

The Moon spends half the day in Cancer and the other half in Leo making connections to Thankful ThursdayPluto, Venus and Uranus. Today we really get a chance to see how the Moon can create moodiness where one minute we’re down and the next we’re up.

Moon opposing Pluto – This transit occurs while most of us are sleeping and so may play out in your dreams.  We feel the pressure to push our way into something or to make progress.  The message however, is to have patience and go with the flow.  It makes the journey so much easier.

Moon sextile Venus –   Mutual trust, love and beneficial connections with one another mark this transit.  We have each others backs, if you will, and it feels marvelous.

Moon square Uranus – And then, it all falls apart and dissolves into pointless arguments.  That is, of course, unless you recognize what is happening, and don’t fall prey to that kind of thinking.  Instead, value each others input and uniqueness.   Maybe take a step back until the mood changes and then see with new eyes.

Pleiadian-Earth Energy today:  9 Self-Regulating

Universal Energy 9 is Harmonizing.  It’s a day for bringing more harmony into your life.

Earth Energy:  Self-Regulating – Doing what you do best, and being true to YOU.  Some days we have to make hard choices, and today may be one of those days.  Watch out for confusion. You may have to wait to make decisions or take action until you get clarity.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Friday pandaToday Mercury and Uranus meet up and treat us to new ideas, discoveries and a sense of excitement.  This is a great day to try new solutions to old problems or resolve old issues.  We have access today to new levels of consciousness, exactly what Einstein thought we needed in order to solve our problems.

The Moon in Leo today sextiles the Sun and trines Jupiter, making this a feel good kind of day!  If only we could bottle up this kind of day and drink it on the more difficult days!  We are warm and generous with our time, we want to help one another, and we expand our optimism outward to the world.

Pleiadian-Earth Energy:  10-Catalyzing

Universal Energy is 10 – Manifesting:  It’s a day for making connections and manifesting the next layer of our work.

Earth Energy:  Catalyzing:  Seeing and using challenges as creative opportunities.  It would be a waste of today’s “feel good” energies to react with drama or disappoint to any challenges.


Saturday, June 8, 2019

The Moon spends most of the day in Leo – let’s play, dance, sing, socialize or hang out with friends or family!  Later in the day, the Moon moves into Virgo and for the next few days we are more practical, organized, and detail-oriented.

Venus moves into Gemini today trying on her social butterfly garb for the next few weeks.  We are more sociable and outgoing now, and we are willing to try new things and dabble in new pursuits.  One small drawback, what we like and resonate to now may not be the same things we enjoy later.  Be prepared for the short term fad.  In other words, don’t change the fundamental you in the process of trying the new.

Pleiadian-Earth Energy:  11-Enlightening.  This combination is all about LIGHT.

selective focus photography of person holding out left hand under cloudy sky during golden hour
Photo by Tobias Bjørkli on

Universal Energy:  11 (Illuminating).  Bring in the light to help us see more clearly.

Earth Energy – Enlightening:  We see new pathways for engaging with one another in a more ideal way. Social progress is possible now  Watch out for polarizing and divisive judgments.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

I bet we can get a lot done today as the Moon in Virgo connects with Mercury, Mars, Neptune, the Sun, Saturn and Jupiter!  You know what this feels like to me?  Like the honey bee going from flower to flower doing her job of pollinating!  We’re busy little bees today.

The Sun today is square Neptune and the Moon.  We’ve reached the first crisis point of the new Moon, the “crisis of action.”  We may be faced with something that doesn’t quite fit with our intentions, and we have to choose to move around the block or rework the plan of action. Whatever you do, do not give up on your intention.  Go with the flow and see where it takes you.  Sun square Neptune can make it difficult for us to stay grounded in reality.  We may be reaching for ideals while the real world isn’t in alignment.  Don’t get discouraged.  Use common sense and attention to detail to move through the day.  There is also the possibility that we feel low-energy today, so take it easy, do what feels good, leave the rest for another day!

Wormhole potential for today:  Tuning in to the natural cycles and rhythms of your body.  Rest when it is tired, eat when it is hungry, play when it demands play.  So much of our energy is devoted to DOING, we forget that REST is also a required.  You are a Human BEing, not a Human DOing.

Pleiadian-Earth Energy:  12- Being.  I’m loving the coherence between the astrology of the day and the Pleiadian-Earth Energy calendar!

Universal energy 12 (Understanding) – Helps us to see and understand our world more deeply and clearly.

Earth Energy – Being:  Be nurturing and creative.  Avoid being reactive or critical.  Just enjoy!

Well that’s it for this week everyone!  Make it a good one!


Janet Hickox 




Busy, Fun and a Bit Unpredictable This Week

Weekly Astrology Overview:

A much easier week is ahead for us and one that likely will be filled with ideas, conversations, fun and social events.  That’s not only in the stars, but here in the USA Memorial Day weekend is coming up and that means potential BBQ’s, picnics and family gatherings!

The biggest astrology news of the week is both the Sun and Mercury moving into Gemini and conjunct one another on the same day!  I would be prepared for busy-ness, a lot of activity and possible scattering of energy as we may lose focus easily with so much going on around us!  The only other “big news” this week is Mars sextile Uranus, where we may feel restless or impatient, and we then jump into making rash decisions.  Let’s break down the week:

Monday, May 20, 2019

MondayWe begin the work week with the Moon in Sagittarius.  There is hope, optimism and excitement.  We’re looking forward, having left the emotional full Moon in Scorpio behind us!

The Moon squares Neptune today.  We may be in a dreamy state of mind and feel like escaping reality.  We may be super sensitive to our environments as well, so make sure you stay away from toxins – including people who have a negative effect on you.

Later today the Moon conjuncts Jupiter leaving us with good feelings and a generosity of spirit.  We are less likely to get triggered by events or people around us.  About the only possible negative here is that we might latch onto an idea or objective and become obsessed with it.  If you experience this effect, then you have to look deeply within your subconscious mind to discover what this means for you.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

While you slept, the Moon moved into Capricorn, the Sun moved into Gemini and then TuesdayMercury moved into Gemini!  That’s a lot of energy surges happening while you’re trying to sleep, so don’t be surprised if your night was restless and/or you took part in many different dreams!

Let’s start with the Moon in Capricorn which is business-oriented and task centered.  We can get things done, that is if the Sun and Mercury didn’t both move into Gemini at nearly the same time!  LOL

The Sun and Mercury in Gemini are sociable, communicative, and easily distracted.  That could make getting anything done nearly impossible as we are pulled in many different directions.  It does make for excitement and sharing of ideas though, and eventually the work gets done.  So relax and enjoy the conversation, exchange of ideas, and the minds  capriciousness for now 🙂

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Wed imageToday the Moon is in Capricorn and Mars sextiles Uranus.  On the one hand, there is much opportunity to get things done, and on the other hand, things may happen that distract you or take you away from your stated goals and intentions for the day.  I would say that this is a day to master “going with the flow” as nothing may go as expected!

Mars and Uranus are both very active planets, although Mars is more deliberate, he is debilitated and frustrated a bit by his placement in Cancer right now.  Uranus, in earthy Taurus, is also slowed down by his placement. These two planets coming together could spell frustration, irritation, restlessness and erratic behavior.  Be careful with what you say or do today.  Be especially careful around metal and electricity!  That includes driving!  This energy could last for a few days!

The Moon is also conjunct both Saturn and Pluto today.  There could be emotional undercurrents fueling the Mars/Uranus energies.  Watch for becoming overly reactive to people and events today. Remember that you always have a choice on how to react or respond to what is going on in your life.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

The Moon is void-of-course from last night at 8:57 pm PT until today at 10:49 am PT when Happy-Thursday-022it moves out of Capricorn and into Aquarius.  I sincerely hope the Moon’s move helps us to see things more clearly and with less emotion than the last couple of days!

The Moon in Aquarius often brings us brilliant flashes of inspiration or epiphanies.  Things that were hidden from us can burst out in a moment of absolute clarity.  The Moon squares Uranus today, the ruler of the sign Aquarius.  We want excitement, freedom and movement, but with the rebellious nature of Uranus in Aquarius we may not necessarily be able to make decisions that are good for us.  Refrain from doing anything rash or risky!

Friday, May 24, 2019

Friday pandaThe Moon is in Aquarius all day today, but has a more peaceful use for the energy as Venus is also involved with the Moon.  For those of you in the USA anticipating a 3-day weekend, there is enough energy to make the day go quickly, but not enough to create havoc.  Try to complete projects and clear off your desk so that you start next week with ease.

the weekend graphicNOTE:  I’m including Saturday, Sunday and Monday in the weekend astrology because of the Memorial weekend in the USA.

First a few words about the weekend for those of you who are celebrating a long one by camping or getting out into the great outdoors.  The Moon transitions into Pisces late Saturday, and spends Sunday and Monday in the sign of water.  Be Careful – especially around water this weekend.  Keep your wits about you when boating or swimming or participating in other water sports.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Today the Moon in Aquarius is ready to play!  The only major aspect for the day is a sextile to Jupiter and that means good times!  Have fun, but remember that the Moon in Aquarius can be unpredictable, and this makes it a day to try not to take risks.  Be safe and sane while you’re having fun!

Sunday, May 26, 2019

The Moon has transitioned into Pisces, generally speaking a sign of calmer, more compassionate energy.  But, the Moon actively engages with Uranus, the Sun and Mars today, adding unpredictability and aggressiveness to the energy.  We may be tempted to overdo it, so have perspective and a sense of proportionality to everything you do!  Keep it a fun and relaxing time.

Monday, May 27, 2019  Happy Memorial Day

Monday memeToday the Moon spends the day in Pisces and is challenging Mercury.  We may be feeling a little tired or low energy to begin the day, especially if we have had an especially busy or action-packed weekend.  Our minds may not be clear either, so take some time to relax, breathe and enjoy the time spent away from the usual daily work you do.

The Moon conjuncts Neptune today as well, and we may feel especially creative and imaginative.  Our intuition is also heightened on a day like today.  Pay attention to the signs, symbols and images that come up in your mind as they may hold the key to your potential.

Make it a great week everyone, and enjoy the extended time for the weekend!

Love & Blessings,
Janet Hickox