Karmic Full Moon in Libra/Aries

Full Moon – April 19, 2019

4:13 am PT /7:13 am ET/11:13 pm UT

29° Libra/Aries

Moon Musings:  

When I tap into the energy of this full Moon in Libra/Aries, I find myself wondering about where we are stuck as human beings, but also using my own experience to discover where I myself am stuck or holding onto old patterns.  What have we been totally devoted to that no longer is real or authentic to our lives.  It might be a relationships, a job, a project, a belief, a pattern, or value that you cannot seem to let go of.  Now is your chance to make a break or maybe it’s more like a breakthrough!  Once you release old attachments and expectations, you create space for magic to happen. 

It really comes down to making a choice.  Do you move forward fearlessly?  Or, do would you rather look back a year from now and realize that you had a chance to break free and you didn’t? 


The Full Moon time is a time where we bring things into completion.  Sometimes it isn’t completion so much as it is a revelation – of what has been out of sync in your life, of how you are sabotaging yourself, your relationships, your work – and now you have the option to re-align your energy and action steps.  Here are a few things to Release/Complete/Reveal during this moon:

  • The illusion of being stuck – You are fully empowered to make changes in your life!  Focus on what you desire, and not on what has been holding you back.    
  • Fear of failing in your responsibility to the people in your family.  This causes us to over-do and give too much.  Then we become depleted and don’t get our needs met or receive nurturing. 
  • Co-dependent relationships … people, food, money, work, beliefs!


Here are some beneficial things to engage in during this Full Moon window:

  • Generosity – Nurture your connections to loved ones.  Build on your existing relationships by being generous with your time and attention. 
  • Harmony – As you gather with people this Easter weekend, watch for ways to create harmony, especially if there are people who normally trigger you!
  • Out with the old and in with the new – Have a plan for success.  Try new approaches to old issues.  The only true failure is to have never tried anything new!


  • Hold on to things, grievances, emotions, people, jobs … be ready to “prune” your life of anything that feels heavy or burdensome.  
  • Throw the baby out with the bath water – not everything requires you to start fresh or from the beginning.  Can you take the good with you and change what isn’t working?  That may be your biggest challenge!

What Else?:

The Sun is very close to an exact conjunction with Uranus during this full Moon, so be aware that there might be surprises and twists and turns ahead.  Go with the flow though.  You may not see clearly what the energy is leading you to.  So on some level, you also need to have faith during this period.  

The Sun and Moon are challenged by Saturn and Pluto in a somewhat distant square to one another.  We are still in the restructuring, rebuilding and re-balancing phase.  There is an element of chaos at this time.  Try not to get sucked up into the dramas playing out in the world as everything is happening exactly according to the Cosmic Plan!  

And lastly, there is an interesting connection between the Black Moon Lilith and this Full Moon as she is seemingly aiding us in working through our shadows – especially the shadow of powerlessness.  As this is a Full Moon (releasing, completions, revelations), we may actually be able to see our shadows more clearly.  That makes it much easier for us to make changes that are beneficial and realign ourselves and our energy more appropriately!

Need more personalized guidance for you life right now?  Get a Seasonal Transit Reading or a Seasonal Transit Report.

Be Blessed!

Janet Hickox

Living Astrology

Libra New Moon

Perhaps because I am writing this after the tumultuous week here in the USA, I can see that what is needed now is Calm and a pathway to Peace.  The New Moon in Libra supports our finding that pathway.  Libra is a sign of bringing together – through Tact & Diplomacy – divergent ideas and people with opposing views.  I know we have become so polarized that it almost feels impossible to find the common ground that we share.  But we must find it.  We begin by looking within ourselves to discover where we are polarized, what are we in fear of and why, and then taking the steps along the pathway of restoring ourselves to peace.  Only then will we see it reflected back to us in the outer world.  

Good morning everyone,

First I have a video for you explaining the Venus & Maya connection.  The video is essentially Part 2 from last week’s October Astrology post.  Part 3, which is about the Human Design energy for October will be out later this week.

Second – the New Moon is upon us so below the video you will see the Libra New Moon information.


Libra New Moon  –  October 8, 2018 @ 16 Libra 

8:47 pm PT /11:47 pm ET

Moon Musings:

Perhaps because I am writing this after the tumultuous week here in the USA, I can see that what is needed now is Calm and a pathway to Peace.  The New Moon in Libra supports our finding that pathway.  Libra is a sign of bringing together – through Tact & Diplomacy – divergent ideas and people with opposing views.  I know we have become so polarized that it almost feels impossible to find the common ground that we share.  But we must find it.  We begin by looking within ourselves to discover where we are polarized, what are we in fear of and why, and then taking the steps along the pathway of restoring ourselves to peace.  Only then will we see it reflected back to us in the outer world.


  • Harmony & Peace – Everything has been so polarized in our world that this is a great time to Intend that harmony is restored within yourself…you cannot make the divisions and polarization in the outer world heal, but you can make the shifts within you that allow your perceptions change.
  • Appreciation of Opposite Viewpoints – I personally know how rough this week has been in terms of people’s opinions and views of the politics in the USA.  It seemingly has split us in half.  Appreciating another’s viewpoint though, doesn’t take anything away from you, and why not try to understand where someone else is coming from?  People are NOT their viewpoints.
  • Teamwork  – Collaboration, Co-Creation & Cooperation.  Bring your consciousness into alignment with what it takes to work together to build a world of beauty.


  • Meditate & Pray – We cannot always see the higher purpose in what is happening in our world, but we can work to bring ourselves peace, and ask the Divine for help in playing our own unique role at this time.
  • Listen to Music, Engage Beauty – Libra energy is attuned to all things beautiful.  There is so much beauty to engage in our world – music, art, dance, the landscape, Earth, poetry, your children.  Focus on the beauty in your life and in your world.
  • Pamper Yourself – get that manicure, pedicure or massage!  Engage at the level of physical luxury & sensuousness.

Do Not:

  • Attack Others or Be Tactless –  Try diplomacy, tact and be companionable.  Try your level best to get along with others.
  • Be Indecisive – This is where I would tell you to remember your Strategy & Authority in your Human Design.  Indecision in Libra happens because they can so easily see both sides of a situation or problem.  Choose, even if it turns out wrong, it was better than just sitting on the fence at the New Moon!
  • Lose Your Identity –  Libra is really good energy for teamwork, but sometimes as part of the team you overly lose yourself.  The idea is to blend the best of you with others, not to engage in appeasing behaviors where you seem to lose while another wins.  Create win-win!

What Else?  – The following information is in general for each of the signs.  If you want a more personal reading of what the New Moon or the Astrological Transits are bringing you, then please get a Transit Reading from me.

Aries – The New Moon falls in your solar 7th House of Relationships.  Time for you to solve any conflict that you are having in your relationships.  Relationships and working together or breaking up are in the works for you at this time.

Taurus –  Taurus your Work, Health & Service is what is focused in for this New Moon.  Libra requires balance, and perhaps you have focused to much in one area of your life and it is time to make some changes in what you’re doing.  I know you don’t like to make change Taurus, but Libra New Moon is energy for beginning something new.  Start a new healthy regimen, work in a new way, or even share of yourself in new ways.

Gemini – As a fellow air sign, you’re quite comfortable in the New Moon in Libra, which falls in your 5th House of Fun, Joy, Creativity.  This would be a time for you to try new things, experiment a little, partner with people outside your normal circle.  Your mind is alive with ideas of all kinds, but remember to bring some of them down to Earth in order to take action.

Cancer –  Home, Family, Security are all on your mind and in your heart right now, and why wouldn’t it be as we are headed into the Holiday season!  What may also be occurring to you right now is that there may be family dynamics that need to come to some peaceful resolution.  Maybe there are deep wounds you are carrying that are leftover from other family gatherings?  Time to face them head on, find love enough to engage in a new way.  You’ll be so happy that you did!

Leo – Tact & Diplomacy in your conversations with others – that is what you are focused on this month.  We all know that Leo enjoys the limelight and being deferred to, but that isn’t an excuse to be aggressive in your words with the people in your life.  Communication is a skill, and it takes practice.  Some Leo’s have the opposite difficulty – they’re too lacking in self-confidence to really say what needs to be said.  No matter which end of the pole you are at Leo, this is the time to speak your mind in positive, tactful and diplomatic ways.

Virgo – Money and earning power come into focus for you this month Virgo as the new moon in Libra is in your solar 2nd House of Money, Values and Self-Worth. Virgo is a sign of service and giving of themselves, but do not mistake that with giving yourself away.  Be sure that the value of your service is equal to that of others in your community doing the same type of work.

Libra – This is your month Libra as the New Moon falls in your personal sign!  Make this month about aligning you with you.  Pull yourself out of the shadows of teamwork and promote yourself in all your glory! By the shadow of teamwork I mean, of course, that sometimes you can lose sight of what is important to YOU.  Now you must consider yourself as well as other in moving forward.  It’s not much fun when you keep sacrificing what you want to make others happy.  Look for where that is happening in your life and resolve to bring more YOU to the interaction.

Scorpio – You are in the depths with this New Moon as it occurs in your 12th House of the Unconscious/subconscious mind.  This is not an altogether unpleasant place for you as you enjoy going into the deep.  But, you may need to come face to face with what has been happening in your relationships – what are they mirroring to you?  Are you seeing the healthy state of affairs, or the dimmed version?  The mirror only works when you are willing to see the truth and allow that others may not be to blame.  On the other hand are you seeing only the dark in the mirror?? If so, look for the light and allow some deeper epiphany to happen for you.

Sagittarius – The New Moon occurs in your 11th House of Intentions, Goals & Aspirations.  The question for you is, can I do it alone or are there other people I can call to my team to make things happen more smoothly?  To get where you want to go, to bring your vision & dream into reality, you need the help of others.  Your normally expansive and optimistic self works really well this month when blending your energy with others to help bring into form your most cherished dreams.

Capricorn – How do you show up in the world?  This can be in your Career/Profession or as an individual centered in personal Authority.  The New Moon falls in your 10th House and it is time for you to emerge out of shadow and claim your power.  That may mean you have to consider blending your energies with other like-minded folks to get where you want to go.

Aquarius – Expansion through the help and cooperation of others is what this New Moon brings to you.  The potential high side for you is that working together you can get more done.  The down side, there is so much Air energy in this New Moon that you can get caught up in sharing ideas and not get anything done.

Pisces – Finances that you share with others is up for you.  That can mean it’s time for you to clear debt, or otherwise solve financial difficulties.  Perhaps partnering with a financial consultant is a good idea for you at this time. Is lack your partner?  or Is prosperity your partner?  Choose wisely!

Take care everyone, and don’t forget to tune into the MetaCafe each weekday morning at 8:00 am PT/11:00 am ET for your Daily Astrology, Human Design & Oracle Energy Report.


Janet Hickox


Mercury Retrograde in Libra – Relationship Dos & Don’ts

Mercury Retrograde number 3 for 2015 is upon us – this time in the relationship oriented sign of Libra. That means that Mercury, planet of Communication (including social media, email and voice connections) will be effecting how we interact with one another. Remember that Mercury in retrograde tends to mess up communication – we get misunderstood, our meaning is twisted or we have trouble just articulating what it is we want to say. The potential here is for our most intimate conversations with our loved ones, and even our business partnerships, to run amok!

Hi Friends,

Mercury Retrograde number 3 for 2015 is upon us – this time in the relationship oriented sign of Libra.  That means that Mercury, planet of Communication (including social media, email and voice connections) will be effecting how we interact with one another. Remember that Mercury in retrograde tends to mess up communication – we get misunderstood, our meaning is twisted or we have trouble just articulating what it is we want to say.  The potential here is for our most intimate conversations with our loved ones, and even our business partnerships, to run amok!

Mercury has already entered the shadow period, and it did so with the very powerful Full Moon in Pisces/Virgo on August 29, 2015.  The actual retrograde details are:

Shadow Period starts:  August 29, 2015

Retrograde Begins:  September 17, 2015 at 15 Libra

Direct (forward movement):  October 9, 2015 at 0 Libra

Completes Cycle:  October 24, 2015

You may already be experiencing the energy of Mercury retrograde with the people around you- especially if you are a Libra, Gemini or Aquarius or have planets in the first 15 degrees of the air signs.  (If you don’t know if this is true or not for you, please go here www.living-astrology.com and request your free Mercury Retrograde chart.)

Besides Relationships, Libra rules Fairness, Justice, Contracts/Agreements, Unions, Partnerships, Open Enemies and even the Relationship between Soul & Personality.  These are all areas then where we can see the effects of Mercury retrograde.  Notice that Libra – even though it is not ruled by Mercury – holds rulership over contracts and agreements.  It is imperative then that if you have to sign any contracts or agreements that you are very careful, very conscious and aware of what you are signing or asking others to sign.

Here are some Libra Mercury retrograde Dos and Don’ts:

  1. DO Be Aware – Be Conscious.  Before you open your mouth or do anything you might regret, stop and consider whether or not you are acting consciously or in the best interest of yourself or your partner.  Anytime that you forget to be “in the now” during a retrograde and knee-jerk in your responses it doesn’t turn out pretty!
  2. DO Act from your Heart & Spirit, not from your Mind.  Let’s face it, we can all get triggered by things people say or what we read of what people say (especially on Facebook). During Mercury Rx, trouble can start when we are acting from our unconscious mind, deep-seated needs, our wounds or when our buttons are getting pushed by someone’s words, ideas or beliefs.  We might say or do something that we normally wouldn’t.  Take a deep breath before you take any action when coming from a place of hurt. Let your cooler head prevail and common sense take hold of the situation. This one thing can save you embarrassment, back-pedaling, and irritation!  Rise to your higher self, from a higher perspective and then decide on a course of action – or no action.
  3. DON’T Sign Anything – Unless it was begun before the retrograde, the contract or agreement may not be what was verbally agreed upon.  Not that someone is intentionally duping you, but possibly they are at the effect of the retrograde and things just got left off the agreement.  Even if you began a contractual process before the retrograde, take care, re-read, proofread, and rinse and repeat.  You just cannot be too careful.  If you’re the one putting together a contract or agreement, the same advice holds.  Before you request anyone else to sign on the dotted line, be sure the document reflects your true intentions and doesn’t leave anything out or add anything not originally agreed upon.
  4. DON’T Speak Harshly – Words Have Power so when working with or talking with your loved ones or other partners, be kind.  The golden rule applies here!
  5. DON’T Jump into or out of Relationships Now.  During a retrograde it is easy to be fooled by your mind;  you may think this is the most wonderful person in the world and you may think marrying them right now is a great idea, BUT … things may appear completely differently after the retrograde, then what are you going to do?  A Brittany Spears divorce move?  The opposite is also true; breaking up with someone during a retrograde can have you basing your decision on erroneous information or feelings.  Just BREATHE and wait out the retrograde – you’ll be glad you did!
  6. DO Stay Centered and Grounded!  Breathing, exercise, meditation, prayer.  Whatever works to bring you back to center is a worthy undertaking!

Retrogrades bring us back to the internal processes, the psyche, the inner dimensions.  If you’re dissatisfied with any aspect of your relationships, instead of acting on impulse, take the time to search inward for answers as to why you feel that way. Make this a time of inner reflection – there is plenty of time to act outwardly after the retrograde!  Who knows, you may just discover something important in your relationships and how they are reflected back to you!

Blessings to All!

Janet Hickox

Astrology for December 2014

Wow! What a way to set the stage for 2015! I love checking into the numerology of months and years to see if I can divine an undertone for the time period, and December this year is a wonderful harbinger of the energies to come. Assuming that you were able to let go of old beliefs, patterns and ways of limiting yourself in November, then December will be the launching pad to a whole new way of BEing.

untitled (6)

Happy Birthday

Sagittarius (11/21 to 12/20) and Capricorn (12/21 to 1/20)

December is an 12/3 month in a 7 Universal year making December a 10/1 month (12+2014=10/1) of New Beginnings, Optimism and Confidence.

Wow!  What a way to set the stage for 2015!  I love checking into the numerology of months and years to see if I can divine an undertone for the time period, and December this year is a wonderful harbinger of the energies to come.  Assuming that you were able to let go of old beliefs, patterns and ways of limiting yourself in November, then December will be the launching pad to a whole new way of BEing.

There are some very interesting astrological transits for the month of December as well.  On December 8, 2014 the planet Jupiter will turn retrograde in Leo which brings us a few months of inner growth and expansion.  Then on the 14th, the Sun in Sagittarius joins Jupiter in a Fire trine of Passion, Creativity and Action.  Now is the time to really tune-in to what your inner self is longing for, and choose to listen and act from your Soul!

We will also witness the 6th of 7 Uranus-Pluto squares on December 15, which have been ongoing since June of 2012.  The energy of these two planets in square has been responsible for bringing to a crisis point, some of the very things we thought were settled in the mid-60’s when Uranus and Pluto were in a conjunction.  For instance, we find ourselves still dealing with explosive racial issues, women’s issues like abortion and equality, and even voting issues have once again been brought up and tested.  As we come to the end of this part of the cycle and we pass the crisis point, what we will have left is more freedom and less oppression.

The big news for December is the move of Saturn into Sagittarius from Scorpio for the first time since 1985-1987.  For the last 2 ½ years we have been working through emotions and old beliefs – releasing what no longer served us, and moving forward despite our fears.  Now the energy will be shifting from the watery intensity of Scorpio into the fiery search for Truth that is Sagittarius.  Saturn as a planet, helps us focus and concentrate our energy, and Jupiter as ruler of Sagittarius is concerned with growing and expanding into more adventurous territory.  Together they can help us with sustainable growth, allowing forward momentum without over-doing it.

The Moon Cycle this Month:

The Full Cold Moon or The Full Long Nights Moon is December 6 at 14° Gemini-Sagittarius.  Remember that the full moon is a time when the Sun and Moon are in opposition to each other.

Meaning of the Sun (14 Sagittarius) during this full moon:  Tuning into the natural rhythms and cycles so that we can plan ahead accordingly.

Meaning of the Moon (14 Gemini) during this time:  Blending your energies with like-minded people in order to foster an open mind.

The New Moon occurs on December 21 at 0°Capricorn.  The New Moon is a time when the Sun and Moon are in a conjunction (at the same degree of the same sign).

Meaning of the Sun-Moon at this time:  Claiming and assuming one’s authority in the world.

December through the Signs

This month I will be focusing on what Saturn in Sagittarius will bring for each sign.

Remember to read the information for your Sun sign, Moon sign and Rising Sign to get a better idea of what is coming up for you. If you do not know your Moon and Rising sign, ask your astrologer or go to my website (address at the end of this article) and request your information.

Aries – March 20 to April 19

The next couple of years will be very interesting for you, Aries, as you will be dealing with Saturn in your 9th House of Beliefs, Philosophy and World View.  You may be ready to confront areas in your life where you have had a kind of tunnel vision or narrow mind.  Expansion of the mind begins when you can see and feel yourself as an individual part of a larger collective of souls.  Don’t be afraid to explore new and alternative systems of thought, new cultures, and new world views.

Taurus – April 20 to May 20

Ultimately these next couple of years are going to bring issues of your finances to the surface – especially any finances that you hold jointly with others.  This can be a very good time if you have been working to decrease your debt and have managed your resources wisely.  Timing is perfect for you to look into long-term investments and ways to build your financial security.  Don’t be afraid to try new things, but also be wise about what you get yourself into.

Gemini – May 21 to June 20

Relationships and partnerships come under Saturn’s scrutiny for you, Gemini.  Working with others is the perfect way for you to expand your reach in the world, but move into new relationships with both eyes wide open.  You want to partner with people of like-mind who are willing to do their share in the partnership.  At some point in this Saturn cycle, your Sun will be opposed by Saturn giving you a great opportunity to re-evaluate your relationships, and your life direction.

Cancer – June 21 to July 22

Health and healing are emphasized for you Cancer.  Saturn rules the skin, bones and teeth in the body, basically the structures that support us, and can expose weaknesses in these areas.  Good health begins with your beliefs about your body, the nutrition that you receive from the foods that you eat, and other healthy habits that you have developed.  These next two years would be fabulous for beginning a new healthy outlook on your life and your physical being by tuning into what would support your body.

Leo – July 23 to August 22

A few words of advice to you Leo, remember that child-like enthusiasm you have, and make joy and creativity a priority for the next couple of years.  With Saturn moving through your 5th House of Joy, Children, Creativity, it may be difficult for you to connect with the energies represented in this house.  Life may be more serious, busy or challenging for you, and the way to work with this energy is to have discipline while working, and to build in enough time for pleasurable activities.

Virgo – August 23 to September 22

Instability vs. Stability – that is the question for Virgos.  Saturn will be trekking through your 4th House of Home, Family, Foundations for the next 2 ½ years causing you to look carefully at what constitutes safety and security.  Are you holding on too tightly to things, ideas, or beliefs that are weighing you down rather than freeing you?  Focus your energy on the little things that, taken step by step, can build your foundation into something you can depend on.  Don’t let victim-martyr energy get in your way.

Libra – September 23 to October 22

Libra, your Jupiter ruled 3rd House of Communication, Learning & Neighborhood plays host to Saturn over the next 2 ½ years putting focus on Thought, Word and Deed.  It is here in the 3rd House where we first encounter our ideas of ourselves being manifest in the world.  Thoughts give voice to words which in turn give action to deeds.  Be Mindful, Be Caring, and Act from Love.  Let curiosity lead you into a new course of study that is stimulating and interesting to you.

Scorpio – October 23 to November 21

Scorpio you may be breathing a sigh of relief as Saturn is leaving your sign this month!  After 2 ½ years of emotional intensity and releasing of “baggage,” it is now time to see where that lightness of spirit takes you now.  My suggestion?  Find your passion, direct your formidable energy towards it, and watch both your financial picture and your self-worth improve!  One word of caution though – measured growth and expansion is favored over all out growth without boundaries.  Enjoy!

Sagittarius – November 22 to December 20

The pressure comes to you now Sagittarius.  For those of you in your late 20’s and late 50’s, you will be experiencing your Saturn return – a time for directing your life energies in an authentic and disciplined way.  Saturn’s transit through your sign may dampen your usual optimism, but if you use this energy to purposeful put one foot in front of the other, aimed in a new direction, this can be a very meaningful time for you.  Imbued with your personal Truth, a new confident and worthy you is emerging!

Capricorn – December 21 to January 20

Capricorn, your ruling planet will be moving through a sign whose energy may feel alien to you.  Your usual pragmatic and practical way of doing things will have to make room for Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius’ more expansive nature.  Sometimes you have to take risks in order to make progress, and the next 2 ½ years will definitely test your risk-taking abilities!  Face your worst fears and insecurities, act with a dose of faith and optimism, and at the end of this transit you will be amazed at what you have accomplished!

Aquarius – January 21 to February 19

The time for dreaming is done, and the time to put the dream in action has arrived!  As a “fixed” sign Aquarius you can get into a rut, and now is not the time to stay in that rut.  It’s time to release your ideas/ideals out into the world. Share your creative impulses with like-minded people, enlisting their help and support in getting noticed. Saturn is the traditional ruler of your sign, so you have a kind of luck or ease and grace with this transit, so make the most of it!

Pisces – February 20 to March 20

Pisces, you have been somewhat protected over the last year as Saturn was in Scorpio and Jupiter was in Cancer, creating trines or an easy flow of energy in your chart.  Now, as Saturn prepares to move into Sagittarius and Jupiter is in Leo, reality sets in and the real issues that were not dealt with, come crashing into you.  For most of 2015, Saturn in Sagittarius will be square to your ruling planet, Neptune in Pisces, creating a situation that can feel very much like a pressure cooker in the Pisces, Sagittarius parts of your chart.  If ever there was a time for a reading, then this is it!


#3 blueJanet Hickox is an Astrologer, Human Design Coach, and Host of Living Astrology radio on the EmpowerYOU  Radio Network.  She specializes in readings that empower individuals to live their authentic lives.  Request a free Human Design chart by going to her website at www.living-astrology.com.  She can be reached at 360-399-1122.

Astrology for November 2014

November begins a transition to a completely different energy and is notably calmer than October as we steer past the Mercury Retrograde and the Lunar & Solar Eclipses. There are a couple of bumps along the way, but the mainstream energy for this month seems to be about letting go of all the rationalizations, logical thinking and fears from the past that have prevented us from launching our Passions, Purpose, and Creativity out into the world! We’ve spent an inordinate amount of time in the dark and it is definitely time to get illuminated!! It makes me feel like singing the line from the Kelly Clarkson’s song, “Out of the Darkness and into the Sun!” Can we finally move past those anchors we have to old beliefs and the story about our past so that as we near 2015 – which is an 8 year of Abundance – we are ready to shine? I believe we can and will.


Happy Birthday

Scorpio (10-23 to 11-21) & Sagittarius (11-22 to 12-20)!

November is an 11 month in a 7 Universal year making November a 9 month (11+2014=18/9) of

Completions, Higher Awareness, Healing and Creativity

November begins a transition to a completely different energy and is notably calmer than October as we steer past the Mercury Retrograde and the Lunar & Solar Eclipses.  There are a couple of bumps along the way, but the mainstream energy for this month seems to be about letting go of all the rationalizations, logical thinking and fears from the past that have prevented us from launching our Passions, Purpose, and Creativity out into the world!  We’ve spent an inordinate amount of time in the dark and it is definitely time to get illuminated!!  It makes me feel like singing the line from the Kelly Clarkson’s song, “Out of the Darkness and into the Sun!”  Can we finally move past those anchors we have to old beliefs and the story about our past so that as we near 2015 – which is an 8 year of Abundance – we are ready to shine?  I believe we can and will.

Things to watch out for this month:

Mars conjuncts Pluto on the 10th which can bring us into conflict between what we know we must do to move forward, and the fear we have about doing just that.  Whether this is an inner conflict or an outer test to our newborn passions, don’t make rash decisions or judgments about what to do.  Just breathe and let the fear pass or better yet, make peace with the conflict by realizing it is just a mirror to show you where you might still be needing work to be the best YOU.

Mars squares Uranus on the 12th and creates positive movement forward through possibly surprising inspirations and realizations for us.  That’s why giving up during the Mars – Pluto conjunction will not serve you at all.

Neptune turns Direct on the 16th changing our intuitive landscape by making it a little more difficult to “tune-in.”  When Neptune is in retrograde motion we more easily access our intuitive self, but if we chose not to listen to that inner guidance during the retrograde, Neptune’s direct motion may create a situation where we regret not having listened.  Now it may be a little more difficult to tune in to that intuitive voice through the chorus of energies surging through the chart.  Meditation is a good tool to get us in touch with our intuition again.

The Moon Cycle this month:

The Full Frost Moon or Beaver Moon is November 6 at 14° Scorpio/Taurus.

Meaning of Sun during full moon:  The mental evolution that it takes in order to connect to our future self.

Meaning of the Moon at this time:  Building character by moving forward fearlessly;

The New Moon is November 22 at 0° Sagittarius.

Meaning of the Moon:  Abstraction – seeing ourselves as part of a larger organism and making decisions that are good for us and ultimately good for everyone.


November through the Signs

Remember to read the information for your Sun sign, Moon sign and Rising Sign to get a better idea of what is coming up for you.  If you do not know what your moon and rising signs are, go to http://www.astro.com and make up your chart.  You will need your birth date, time and place.  Or, consult your astrologer 🙂

Aries – March 20 to April 19

The energy for you Aries is possibly explosive as Mars adds its energy to the ongoing Pluto-Uranus square that has been sitting at your Career/Profession House and your Personal Self.  Life has been interesting – no doubt!  This month should bring you some clarity or a feeling of being able to see the “light at the end of the tunnel” that leads you to your new beginning.  Be willing to release whatever is not going to support you on this journey.

Taurus – April 20 to May 20

You may have been experiencing a spiritual overhaul or revolution, and the feeling for you of coming out of the dark is very real.  With Uranus pressuring your 12th House of the Hidden Subconscious Patterns, you may be having one “aha” after another about what has been the root cause of repeating patterns, limiting thinking, self-sabotage and fears that have held you back.  Mars adding its energy to Pluto in your 9th House of Spirit elevates your perspective, and like a phoenix rising up out of the ashes, you too may undergo a striking transformation!

Gemini – May 21 to June 20

You may have been struggling to transform your reality to match the vision you have been holding for your life – especially as it relates to what you do in the world i.e. Career or Profession.  Well, this month you have some help arriving to make things a little clearer.  Mars added to your 8th House of Transformation gets things moving in the right direction for you, and Neptune moving Direct in your 10th House of Career/Profession means that you can stop the dreaming part of your visioning of your future, and begin the action steps it takes to get there.  One step at a time though, dear Gemini, you’re just getting the party started.  Things will really roll as you get into December and January.

Cancer – June 21 to July 22

Relationships may have been tricky for you of late, and this month, with the addition of Mars to your 7th House of Relationships, things can be a little more confrontational.  Take it easy, dear Cancer, as this is a time for you to form relationships that are mutually empowering and supportive.  The house of relationships also pertains to business relationships, and with Uranus still in your 10th House of Career/Profession it may be business partners that are the sources for change and upset.  Let your intuition lead you to the correct way to handle any relationships in your life.

Leo – July 23 to August 22

Have you been on a spiritual revelation or what?  Notice I said revelation and not revolution.  Uranus has been in your 9th House of Beliefs-Spirit-Philosophy for a while now, with Pluto-Mars in your 6th House of Work, Service and Health. You may be very aware that a transformation is needed in your life, but up until now you weren’t clear just how that would happen or how that would look.  My guess is that this month, you will be able to “see” the way through to the change you have wanted in your life.  Go with the flow Leo, don’t let yourself stay stuck!

Virgo – August 23 to September 22

The Uranus, Mars, Pluto trio has you in the midst of change this month, Virgo!  It feels as if you can no longer tolerate mediocrity, and you’re plunging straight into what feels good, following your passions and desires instead of doing what you “have to.”  There is a real sense of freedom coming for you as we near 2015.  One little warning though; keep your eyes wide open when it comes to relationships as Neptune is moving forward in your 7th House of Relationships revealing much about the nature of the people who are, or who have been closest to you.

Libra – September 23 to October 22

Are you reaching new heights of stability at home and in your relationships?  The eclipses may have brought issues up to the light of day to be cleared, and now you can see your way into a more loving, kind, and balanced relationship!   Libra loves balance and harmony, and lately things may have been a little rocky for you, so this comes as a welcome shift.  Don’t overlook health issues during November.  If something doesn’t feel right in your body, definitely see your health care professional.  Be sure to eat right, get enough rest and move your body.

Scorpio – October 23 to November 21

Scorpio, in another month you will be free of Saturn that has been sitting in your 1st House of Self.  You have probably gone through a lot of emotional ups and downs during the last 2 ½ years and are ready to be free.  If you are one of the Scorpios that has resisted letting go of the debris in your emotional field over the last couple of years, then you may be in for some emotionally induced health issues. Free yourself of old, outworn beliefs, grudges, emotional pain and see a return to the wonderfully creative and passionate side of yourself.

Sagittarius – November 22 to December 20

It seems that your financial picture has been undergoing a rebuilding process over the last few years.  Perhaps your job crumbled away with the economic downturn a few years back, or maybe you just decided that making a change was necessary for you.  I say, keep it up!  With Uranus in your 5th House of Joy, Creativity & Passion, it’s up to you to design your life around exactly those three things.  Pressures on the home front may cloud that up a bit for you over the next month, but don’t worry, by mid-month you will be seeing things clearly again.

Capricorn – December 21 to January 20

When Pluto, the planet of Power & Transformation is moving through the 1st House of the Self, it makes for personal revolution and empowerment, and Capricorn you are being revolutionized and empowered!!  Mars will be activating Pluto in your chart to encourage the emergence of a new, authentic YOU.  This may be a time when your usual caution can be let go of in favor of following the earthly you – your intuitive self, especially as Neptune is sitting in your 3rd House of Communication.  Neptune in this configuration is acting as the intermediary, bringing messages from the higher self into your mind.

Aquarius – January 21 to February 19

Pluto has been in a challenging place for you Aquarius, and now Mars the planet of Action, Conflict and Confrontation joins him in your 12th House of the Subconscious Mind, Self-sabotage, Limitations and Fears.  If ever there was a time for you to be objective and aloof, now is that time.  Don’t allow yourself to attach to the depth of what you may be experiencing.  Be the observer, allow the truth to unfold, and love yourself through this time.  You may discover some deeply held beliefs about yourself that you can get free from, as well as some deeply ingrained Truths that you want to carry forward with.  Try journaling to access what is trying to be revealed to you from the subconscious.

Pisces – February 20 to March 20

The very compassion and love that you are always willing to give to others is now needing to be given to yourself.  Your ruling planet, Neptune, is in your 1st House of the Self, and I would bet that you are learning the lessons of Self-Love.  You’ll be receiving a boost in this area of your life after November 16th when Neptune turns back to forward motion.  Uranus in your 2nd House helps in establishing a new sense of self-worth and value for you.  Perhaps you may even learn the value of healthy boundaries this month!

#3 blueJanet Hickox is an Astrologer, Human Design Coach, and Host of Living Astrology radio on the EmpowerYOU Radio Network.  She specializes in readings that empower individuals to live their authentic lives.  Request a free Human Design chart by going to her website at www.living-astrology.com.  She can be reached at 360-399-1122 or via email at janet@living-astrology.com

October 2014 Astrology

Ah, October, the time of changing leaves, cooler temperatures, shorter days/longer nights and this year Mercury retrograde and Lunar and Solar eclipses! The fun begins October 4 when Mercury, planet of communication, the mind, and short distance travel moves into retrograde motion

October blog post

Ah, October, the time of changing leaves, cooler temperatures, shorter days/longer nights and this year Mercury retrograde and Lunar and Solar eclipses!  The fun begins October 4 when Mercury, planet of communication, the mind, and short distance travel moves into retrograde motion.  Many of you have heard about this tiny planet and the havoc that can ensue when it changes direction, but what you might not know is that during a retrograde we have the opportunity to look deep within ourselves and make critical adjustments to our “vision” of ourselves.  It can be the perfect time to re-imagine and re-envision our lives.  October’s Mercury retrograde begins at 2° Scorpio, a deeply passionate, intense and intuitive water sign and moves backwards to 16° Libra, a balance-seeking, and relationship-oriented sign.  This retrograde becomes an important part of the astrology for the autumn as Mercury sets the stage for the total Lunar Eclipse visible for us in the Western third of the country.

Eclipses are game changers!  The energy of an eclipse is a powerful door opener and door closer for us, and the sign of the eclipse and it’s placement in your personal chart can denote where and what type of transformation is occurring in your life.  The first eclipse is a total lunar eclipse on October 8.  During a lunar eclipse, the light of the moon (our intuitive, soul energy) is temporarily dimmed in favor of the Sun’s more ego-centered energy.  To make matters more interesting, during the eclipse, the Moon will be conjunct Uranus in Aries (planet of surprises, rebellion, and revolution) putting it in opposition to the Sun in Libra.  On the world stage, this is going to be an interesting time as we are looking at an eclipse across the Aries-Libra or Love-War axis of the astrological chart.  Could we find ourselves on the brink of another war?  Or, will cooler heads prevail and peaceful and diplomatic solutions rule the month?  Only time can tell.

Personally, we are also going through this same process of seeking freedom and rebelling against things that we have perceived to be holding us back.  We have a very good opportunity to find peace within ourselves, and ergo the World, by moving forward in our lives with the things that bring us happiness and simultaneously allowing the same for others around us.  We can create a win-win scenario by engaging this energy within our own lives – and the potential of inner peace and joy within creates the same in the outer world!

A partial solar eclipse occurs on October 23 with the new moon at 0°Scorpio.  With the passage of first Saturn, then Mars through Scorpio, this solar eclipse opens us up to combining our deepest soul needs and our healthy ego together in a new way.  Usually during a solar eclipse the Sun is completely blotted out leaving us much more open to our more intuitive nature.  This eclipse however, is only partial, so we can see a way to blend both the right and left hemispheres of the brain, i.e. the masculine and the feminine to become more balanced.

Happy Birthday Libra!

Libra – September 23-October 22

Your normal consensus-building, cooperative self may be put to the test this month.  The lunar eclipse across your relationship axis may have you wondering whether it is time for you to stop giving so much of yourself and to put yourself in the receiving seat.  Mercury retrograding back into your sign can also bring issues back to the forefront that you thought were already solved.  Use your formidable skills of tact and diplomacy to carve out a balance in your relationships.  And, as the North Node (destiny) is also moving through your sign, this is the time to empower yourself in ways you have been avoiding, even if it means disturbing the peace for the time being.

Scorpio – October 22-November 21

If you have been putting off dealing with a health issue, Scorpio, now is the time to take care of it before it has a chance to get worse or turn into something major.  Your sign has been playing host to both Saturn and Mars, and now this month, a solar eclipse.  There may be a lot of emotional themes coming up for you, and as most of us are aware, those emotional wounds can literally turn into body issues when we hold onto them.  It’s a great time for you to purify your body, mind and soul by paying close attention to diet, exercise, and what feeds your spiritual needs.  Letting go of old wounds, beliefs, judgments, and grudges serves to allow the passionate, giving and healthy you to shine through.

Sagittarius – November 21-December 20

Lucky you Sagittarius.  October’s lunar eclipse falls in your 5th House of Love, Romance, Joy, and Creativity, making this an awesome time for you to let go of anything standing in the way of your connecting fully to your authentic self!  Backing you up in this, your ruling planet Jupiter is in Leo the sign that holds rulership over the 5th House meaning that you are empowered at this time to follow your Truth to the Freedom that you so love.  Of course there may be little bumps along the way as Scorpio aligns in your 12th house of the hidden subconscious things that hold you back.  Be willing to face the F.E.A.R (False Evidence Appearing Real) and push through old patterns that have held you back.  Doing so now will be of great benefit when December rolls around and Saturn moves out of Scorpio and into your Sun sign

Capricorn – December 21-January 19

Capricorn, you may be feeling the push to spend more time at home with family as we prepare for the upcoming holiday season.  Likely you have had to spend a lot of time on your career of late, and your loved ones and friends are missing your presence, as you are missing theirs.  Remember that it is the connections we make with the people in our lives that sustain us.  No one wants to wake up one day and find out that the most important things in life have passed you by.  For you it really is time for a balance between self and others, and career and home concerns.

Aquarius – January 20-February 18

The Moon and Uranus in your 3rd House of Communication (the domain of a retrograde Mercury) may mean that something you say may be taken out of context or understood in the wrong way.  How you say things this month is at least as important as what you say.  An eclipse across the 3rd/9th house axis can also mean that you are ready to begin learning a new skill or taking on the role of teacher.  The eclipse may even bring up the possibility of writing and then publishing that book you have in you.  Just remember that you are an air sign and even though Mercury isn’t your ruling planet, you are still effected by its retrograde motion.  Check and re-check any communication coming from you this month.

Pisces – February 19-March 20

The financial game changer that you have been waiting and hoping for may be on tap for you this month Pisces.  Of course, abundance can come in many different ways.  It is a new job or income?  Or maybe money that you have been waiting for finally comes your way.  Or maybe it is a gift you receive that you absolutely did not expect.  No matter what it is, flow and abundance require a healthy sense of self-worth and the ability to value yourself appropriately.  This isn’t always easy for you Pisces.  Perhaps the timing is perfect for you to see yourself in an empowered way and boldly step out into the world in a way that has eluded you in the past.

Aries – March 21 to April19

The lunar eclipse effects your relationships.  This might be the time where bold action in leaving a bad relationship can be the route to happiness.  A move such as this requires courage and strength and determination, which you appear to have easy access to this month.  Use this time as a way to strengthen the most important relationship in your life – the one with yourself!  Pay attention to messages of change coming up from deep within you.  They may very well be the access to Truth that you have been longing for.

Taurus – April 20-May 20

Taurus, this is your time to come out of the closet and emerge into the light! You may have been grappling with a host of emotional baggage over the last several months.  It is time for you to make peace with all that fear, subconscious patterns and limiting thoughts that have been holding you back.  Remember that you are the Master Manifestor’s of the zodiac, and that the universe is an equal opportunity manifesting place, meaning that whatever it is you have devoted your thoughts, energy and emotions to, is what is being manifested.  Want access to financial abundance?  Then stop framing it in the form of thoughts on what you don’t have.  Make sense?

Gemini – May 21-June 20

As your ruling planet Mercury is in retrograde for most of October, Gemini, this could be a frustrating month for you if you’re trying to swim against the energetic tide.  The best plan of action then is for you to take a good look at what your vision, goals and aspirations are, and see if you can re-imagine your way into your dream self.  What would you do if you knew you could not fail?  This is not the month to take action, but do everything in the background that needs doing so that when we get into November you are ready to launch the new you!

Cancer – June 21-July 22

Dear Cancer, your eclipse pattern is across the 10th House of Career, Profession and your 4th House of Home, Family, Security.  Usually your concerns are more directed at the home, yet this month’s emphasis comes in your professional life.  It’s a good bet that someone is eyeing you for a promotion or some kind of recognition.  If you are self-employed, this could be a good month for business as you seem quite capable, professional and appealing in the marketplace.  Mercury will be retrograde in this area of your chart though, so be sure to get any promises in writing and be sure there is a clear understanding of what any new job requirements or pay structures are.  You don’t want to be surprised later.

Leo – July 23-August 22

Leo this is a time for you listen very carefully to your inner voice and intuitive knowing.  Lucky planet Jupiter is in your sign until next August, so you want to be fully present to opportunities as they arise now.  Remember that eclipses always close one door and open another.  So, even if it looks like something is changing and you are not sure what that means for you personally, you are primed for good when you are following that inner guidance.  There is also the possibility that you will have travel on your mind, or at the very least be exposed to different cultures in some way.

Virgo – August 23-September 22

Transformation is afoot for you Virgo.  The game changing lunar eclipse sits in your 8th House of Transformation and Unearned Income.  October energy can put you on the receiving end of money coming from investments, legacies, inheritances or in any other way that is not earned by the work you do.  This is probably something that you have really waited for and make for a life-changing event.

Janet Hickox is an Astrologer, Human Design Coach, and Host of Living Astrology radio on the EmpowerYOU Radio Network.  She specializes in readings that empower individuals to live their authentic lives.  Request a free Human Design chart by going to her website at www.living-astrology.com.  She can be reached at (360)399-1122.

Have a Seasonal Reading to find out what is happening for you with the Eclipses, Mercury Retrograde and other transits.  Follow this link to schedule your reading:  www.living-astrology.com/seasonal-transit-reading.html

Autumn Astrology & The New Moon

Autumn officially begins September 22, 2014 at 7:30 pm Pacific time when the Sun moves into Libra.

This seasonal shift is a powerful one with the Equinox, Pluto Direct and the New Moon all happening within a day of each other. The balance between light and dark, the inbreath and the outbreath, being empowered and being disempowered all held in a New Moon pushing us into being our fully realized selves.


Autumn officially begins September 22, 2014 at 7:30 pm Pacific time when the Sun moves into Libra. 

This seasonal shift is a powerful one with the Equinox, Pluto Direct and the New Moon all happening within a day of each other.  The balance between light and dark, the inbreath and the outbreath, being empowered and being disempowered all held in a New Moon pushing us into being our fully realized selves.  Pluto sits at the midheaven of the Autumn Equinox chart making it the most powerful planet in play at this time, and this placement means Pluto is sitting in the 10th House which is our claim to our personal authority and authentic self.  We have had months now of tasting what could be for us, while having to let go of and push through emotions and situations that were no longer serving us.  What a welcome relief this time will be for most of us.

Helping us in this new phase of Self-authority, is a fire trine made up of Jupiter in Leo, Mars in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries.  A trine brings is an ease and flow of energies between the signs/planets involved, and Fire is the energy of passion, creativity , joy, action and optimism.  Looking at the planets themselves we see our inner Buddha-God-Goddess (Jupiter), Mars the bold action taker, and Uranus freeing us from oppression – whether self involved or from outside sources – and we can see that the energies they contain are not going to just let us sit idly by in our lives anymore.  We have a call to action and that means it’s time to reveal your true selves!

Creating openings for us to do just that, are two eclipses in this season – a total Lunar Eclipse on October 8th and a partial Solar Eclipse on October 23.  Remember that eclipses are game changers as they tend to be powerful forces opening up new opportunities and forcing a release of unsustainable situations for us.  The total Lunar Eclipse is visible throughout most of the United States and takes place across the Libra/Aries axis, which puts it in the same area as the Autumn equinox & New Moon of September 22-24.  We have a lot of opportunities to balance our energies, our lives, and to bring forward our unique and authentic expression to give to the world.

One small (or maybe not so small) transit to be aware of is our favorite – Mercury Retrograde – happening from October 4-25, 2014 from 2 Scorpio back to 16 Libra.  We are already in the shadow period of this retrograde cycle, so be very conscious about what you say, what you sign, what projects you begin and so forth.  This is another one of the Mercury Retrogrades taking us from water back into air, meaning that we have access to deep emotions/emotional responses/personal trauma-dramas that we can move up from the deep and into the mind for processing and releasing.  We are nearing the end of this whole process of emotional processing, clearing and releasing as Saturn, the Taskmaster, is preparing for its last degrees through Scorpio and then moving into Sagittarius just after the Winter Solstice.  I know many of us will be glad that Saturn will be moving on, yet grateful for the magic of transmutation of old patterns, beliefs and emotions.

Below is a list of the upcoming Transits effecting us for the Autumn.  If you would like to know more about how these energies will be effecting you, please consider having a reading with me.  Here are a couple of suggestions:

New Moon Reading:  http://www.living-astrology.com/new-moon-reading.html

Seasonal Transit Reading:  http://www.living-astrology.com/seasonal-transit-reading.html

Next week I’ll be sharing October astrology by sign, focusing on the Eclipses and Mercury retrograde.  Until then….Have a stellar week!

September 23 – Pluto moves Direct

September 23-24 – New Moon at 1 Libra at 11:14 pm Pacific (on the 23rd); September 24 for all other time zones in the USA.

September 24 to October 15 – Fire Trine between:  Jupiter in Leo, Mars in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries

October 4-25 – Mercury Retrograde at 2 Scorpio to 16 Libra

October 8 – Total Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon across Libra/Aries axis at 3:51 a.m. Pacific

October 23 – Partial Solar Eclipse/New Moon at 0 Scorpio; Sun moves into Scorpio, Venus moves into Scorpio

October 25 – Superior conjunction of Venus/Sun/Earth

November 16, 2014 – Neptune turns Direct

November 28, 2014 to August 25, 2015 – Black Moon/Lilith moves into Virgo

December 8, 2014 to April 8, 2015 – Jupiter Retrograde from 22 Leo to 12 Leo

December 21, 2014 – Sun into Capricorn (Winter Solstice) and Uranus Direct

December 23, 2104 to December 19, 2017 – Saturn in Sagittarius

May Astrology – Venus in Aries and Mars Rx Ends


Venus, the planet of Love, Relationships, Values and Money, moves into Aries today at 6:21 pm PDT/9:21 pm EDT.  Here she will join the line of planets that have been through this sign recently, and she will trigger the Grand Cardinal Cross point, the Pluto-Uranus square by conjuncting Uranus, and pass across the Eris point.  Although April is probably the single most astrologically active month for 2014, Venus’ transit through Aries is also going to be big news for the month of May.

Venus entering Aries puts her in mutual reception with Mars in Libra.  When planets are in mutual reception they are in the sign of the other planet’s rulership which creates an easier flow of energy between the two signs and planets.  Venus rules the feminine principle and Mars the masculine.  While in Aries, Venus “armor’s up” while Mars softens up.  For us as individuals we have easier access to both the masculine and feminine energies during this time.

Venus in Aries is independent, feisty, idealistic in nature and passionate.  Love becomes inspired by both Aries & Libran traits, like freedom, equality and justice.  Venus is in her morning star phase until October 2014, and when she is in that phase she is more outgoing and shows her more adventurous side in love and relationships.  This makes for more honest, direct and independent in relationships, while making us more desirous of being self-sufficient within the relationship.

Venus in Aries opens us up to more loving and creative energies – especially for the Fire and Cardinal signs – Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn, Leo and Sagittarius.  These signs could see an increase in socializing, dating and even the possibility of a new love interest.  Venus is emboldened in Aries and dares to take emotional risks, including boldly following “instant attraction” into new relationships.  But, beware of hasty commitments as that adventurous energy can wear off as time moves forward and leave you wondering what you got yourself into!

For those of you already in long term relationships, you may see an increase in arguments and confrontations as each of us are more headstrong and opinionated during this kind of transit.  Don’t force issues between you – seek compromise by searching for win-win solutions to your problems.  There is so much to be gained when you can work with both masculine and feminine energies in your relationships.

Venus in Aries effects our creativity in two ways.  One, it creates a drive for self-expression in us.  We want to be more creative, and we want to share that with others.  And, two, it pushes us to start on creative projects that we didn’t have the energy to do before or to start projects that we lacked the confidence to do before.

Since the planet Venus also rules Money, Resources and Values, when she’s in Aries we may spend more freely on things of art or beauty, or we may find that we are more impulsive in our spending as we buy things that strike our fancy in the moment regardless of whether we need it, or can even afford it.  So buyer beware.  Because Venus in Aries signifies boldness, we may find more confidence in claiming our Value & Worth.  You may also come face to face with conflicts in your life that are born out of low self-worth, confidence or esteem that you will finally find the courage to change in yourself!

As if the fiery energy of Venus in Aries isn’t enough, odependent pattersn and use this energy to see your relationships as a mirror to claim your power and uniqueness.  This is breakthrough energy for relationships, especially if you can each temper yourselves and steer clear of angry outbursts with one another!  Staying true to yourself boosts your personal chemistry and ultimately strengthens relationships.

On the world scene, diplomacy, cooperation, and peace may temporarily give way to aggressive energies, but in the end, the potential for diplomatic breakthroughs exist as well.  What jumps into my mind as I write this is the ongoing dispute in Russia over the Ukraine and how the United States’ involvement may either positively or negatively effect the process depending upon how the individuals involved use this Venus in Aries energy.  Remember that Mars is the God of War and Venus in his domain can have a distinct tempering effect.  However, during this Venus in Aries transit, Mars which is now retrograde will move forward.  That should make for some interesting activity on the world scene – particularly around mid-May to the end of May.

For us as individuals, enjoy the ride, stay TRUE to You, Live, Laugh and Love and you’ll come out of this transit smelling like a rose 🙂